Hunter's New Family

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Hello, everyone! So, this is my first 101 Dalmatian Street fanfiction, and I hope I've done a great job here. This story took place after the events of the episode "The De Vil Wears Puppies." After watching that episode, I was thinking what would happened next. What happened if Hunter joins with the Dalmatian Family? Here it is! Enjoy!


The bus left port for the Dalmatian family, Fergus, Sid, Big Fee, and Clarissa to send them all home. Just then, Dizzy and Dee just remembered someone that needs a happy ending like them.

"Mommy, Daddy, where is Mr. Funny Face?" Dizzy asked.

"Yeah, why can't he be with us?" Dee Dee added.

"Oh dear, that Mr. Funny Face can't be with us. He can take care of himself," Delilah replied.

"And, duh, he almost got us all killed with his great-aunt," Dolly recalled.

"But he isn't that bad," Dee Dee said.

"He just want to be loved," Dizzy continued.

"He saying that so you won't hurt him," Dylan scoffed.

"It's true, Dylan," Diesel intervened, "He was locked on that container for months, and that crazy lady didn't care about what happen to him."

"She even threw him into the container with us and trapped us all there," Delgado explained.

"That lady doesn't care about that kid. She only wants to have our fur to be her coat," Dawkins added.

"And besides, he's on his own now, while we have each other. We can't that let him live alone, are we?" Deepak questioned as the other puppies nodded,

Dylan and Dolly didn't want to believe that Hunter was innocent and didn't want to give him a chance, but they were there when Hunter helped them all from getting killed by Cruella.

"Now that I think about it, he did free the puppies while freeing himself from the cages," Dolly remembered.

"He threw his own cat to save us, and Mom and Dad," Dylan added, "But let's not forget he spent his time trying to kidnap us. He lured us into a trap, kidnapped Dorothy amd Dante, almost locked us in a container, and let his great-aunt kill us. Why should we feel pity for him?!"

Just then, Dorothy crawled on Dylan's leg, and looked at him with cute teary puppy eyes. She whimpered as she reminded him that Hunter indeed did something good this time.

"Aww, and he saved you, too," Dylan patted Dorothy's head. Then, he turned to his mother, "What do you think, Mom?"

"Hmm," Delilah thought, "I guess we could give Hunter a chance after he saved all of us from his own great-aunt."

Dolly sighed frustratingly, "Alright. Let's go back."


Back at the port, Hunter is still chasing a wet Cuddles like a dog. Suddenly, he noticed the red bus drove back in front of him as he let Cuddles go, and froze still in fear. The bus stopped before hitting him as he thought.

When the door opened, Delilah and Doug walked out of the bus.

"Hello there... Still Hunter, right?" Delilah greeted nicely, but Hunter backed away a little and whimpered.

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