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Narrator: this story takes place after the indoraptor was defeated and blue had to live in the wild. And if you didn't watch fallen kingdom the indoraptor has part of the indominus rexs Dna and has part of blues DNA. Anyway I'm gonna just start the story.

Narrator: the indoraptor was approaching claire, owen, and masie. Owen was waiting until the indoraptor was on the glass and then he pulled the trigger on the gun (the gun that had the laser) and the indoraptor almost fell but then out of no where blue attacks the indoraptor and says...

Blue: die suckka !!!!!!

Narrator: then the indoraptor and blue fell through the glass roof the indoraptor fell on the triceritops skull and was dead, but blue was alright.

(After Owen said goodbye to blue)  blue had to fend for herself but she thought with the indoraptor and indominus rex gone, she would be fine to. Or so she thought

blue x indoraptorWhere stories live. Discover now