Fundamentals In Being A Radtastic Homeboy! [Part 2/3]

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A silence swept the True Pacifist timeline.
"Hey." He adjusted his scarf. "Was looking for you." He smiled. Cross sighed. "Alright. Well, I'm here. What's up?" He looked to the sunset... "A new day, huh? Well... I came, regarding... Do you, er... Still have an antidote?" Cross swiftly turned to Error. "Oh... Oh jeez, I don't... I dunno, Error.. I'll have to check." Cross shifted in a bag, searching.
Meanwhile, in the same True Pacifist timeline...
"GRAAaaAAA!!! Where... Where are ya'?! I kno' yo' b SOMEWHERE!" Fresh screeched out, huffing and puffing. He groans, colliding against a rock. He was tuckered out! Fresh opened up the Database.
Ugh. He'd have to wait. The digital screen closed. He stretches, a few bones popping.
He stands, moving to the side of Mt. Ebbot. The cavern's entrance gapping, beckoning for another visitor. Fresh overheard two people talking.

"Yeah, there's some left. How'd it get to ya'?" Cross injected the antidote. "The blood. It got into me, I guess..." Error coughed. "... Thanks. I feel better already." He made a glitched chuckle. "Well, as long as you're okay. As long as everyone's okay." Cross frowned. "...Not everyone is okay, though...." He admitted, staring to the ground. "They will be. And, hey... I'm only being nice because I want those parasites gone." Error looked to the side, crossing his arms. "I know you are. I know good and well." Cross turned, staring to the distance. He saw that old dirt path... What a lovely sight.
Error breaks the silence. "Do.. Y-You hear... Hear that?" Error's eye-lights darted around. "Hear what?" Error gulped, gripping his sides. "I heard... H-heard...! Oh God--... Seriously, I-I...! Something is wrong! Cross, just-... Go! Just go! Far away!" He sobbed out, glitching heavily. Cross knew not to touch Error, backing away. "H-Hey, Error... It's okay! You'll... We'll be fine! Nothing's here--" Cross halted. "S o m e o n e . . . I s . . . H e r e ." His eye-lights disappeared. He turned, slowly. Nothing but a dirt path. A pearl of sweat dropped of the top of Cross's skull. Error whimpered, sobbing. "It's here, isn't it?" He asked. No response. Error spoke aloud. "I-It's here, isn't it, Cross?! Please tell me it isn't! Please..?" He gripped Cross's scarf. "CROSS!" Cross flinched. "Error, quiet! You... You have to--" "I'm not leaving. I-I'm... Not... Not..." The grip on Cross's scarf tightened. Error's eye-lights stared forward, staring, fearfully, at...

Error couldn't move. "Error? What's--" He turns back. "Oh." . . . "Ohh...!" He smiled. "Well, hello, parasite!" He sarcastically showed optimism, smiling widely. "What're you doing here?" Fresh cackled. "What'cha doin' here, broski?" He repeated Cross's question, grinning wildly. Cross scoffed. "Oh. I dunno. Original plan was to stay away from you, but seems that didn't work!" Cross put his hands up, frustrated. Error was shaking, trembling... Fresh walked up to the poor glitch, lifting up his chin. Error glitched heavily. "GeT aWaY, PaRaSiTe!" He backed up about five feet, tears rolling down his cheekbones. His body was severely glitching. "Awe, but Error-Broski! I wasn't even doin' anythin'!" Fresh chuckled, walking closer. Cross grimaced. "Get away from him." He summoned his blade. Fresh whipped around. "Or what, yo? Yo' gonna try'ta slice n' dice me?" He joked, laughing. "Yo' really ain't too bright, huh, XBrah...?" Cross growled. "Shut. Up." He sliced at Fresh, but missed. The multicolored skeleton grabbed Cross from his backside, throwing him down to the ground. "Sor' not sor', homie bologna! Haha!! Oh, if only I could feel sorry..." Fresh chuckled lowly, his spiked shoes stabbing into Cross's spine. "Gah!!- You lil'.. [BEE KICKER]!-" Cross coughed. Error stood, frozen solid. He was too scared to move. Cross looked up. "E-Error! Run! Run as far away as--!!" Purple spikes penetrate Cross and Error's bodies, impaling and slowly, gradually growing in size. Fresh smiled wildly, letting out howling laughter. "Oh! Ahaha!! Oh, hoho!! How sorrowful, how pitiful! Yo' d'ink yo could RUN!" He approached Error, grabbing his shoulders. Error flinched. "Yo' aren't d'a most brightest broski here, huh, Error-Dawgerino?" Fresh tilted his head, smiling still at the glitchy skeleton. Errors filled up Error's eye-sockets. "AAAaaaAAAaaaaAA-" Error screamed. His hands grasped his skull's sides. Fresh pulled at Error's sockets, getting his strings. He found Error's SOUL, tying and knotting it in the blue threads. "Why not get a radical taste of yo' own medicine, yeah?" Fresh howled in laughter again, turning to see Cross, still limp on the ground. "How... Sad, yo! Nobody can save yo' now, huh, Error Bro?" Fresh turned back to Error. "R I g h t . . . B r O . . . S K i?" Fresh's shades fell off, his fangs showing, as well. Error trembled. "P-please!! Spare me! I-I'll... I'll... Please-... I... I won't get in your way if you l-let... Let... . . . P L e A s E . . . D O n ' T . . . I n F e c T . . . M E e e . . ." Error's voice trailed off in the end, the glitching stopping. He's sobbing, his body trembling and shaking. "Let... Let me go, please, I'll... I'LL..." Error begged.
. . .
Fresh laughs, loudly. "Ahaha!!! HAHA!! Pfft... Homie... Jus' SHUT. UP." Fresh couldn't contain himself, laughing harder. "Bahaha!! Yo'... Yo' serious, Error Bro? Pft- to think... I'll let ANYONE go?" The spikes grow sharper. "I told yo', Error-Dawgerino! Yo' ain't d'at bright!!" Fresh chuckles lowly. "Well, homeboy... Guess you're gonna have t'a say ta-ta to yo' radtastic XBrah, yeah? Don't wanna leave 'im hangin'!" Fresh grinned. Error trembled. "I'm sorry, Cross." He frowned, suddenly screaming. "I DIDN'T WANT THIS! I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS! I... I'M... P-Please... Please! Just... One more... One more day? One day of- of... oF-" Error is impaled in the chest. "Ohh, look at d'at, Error brah! Yo've been impaled!! Ahaha! Sor' 'bout d'is, by d'a rad way..." Fresh grasps Error's SOUL. Error screams out, shouting, "I DON'T WANT THIS! N-Nobody... Nobody does! Please, think for once! We could just... Just... Talk...?" Error cried. Fresh growled. "Ugh. Homie... Yo' soundin' like Ink-Dawg. Or, when he was still himself!" Fresh joked. Error glared. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK AB--" The parasite leapt onto the SOUL, biting it. A purple substance gets onto the SOUL. It retreats back into Fresh's socket. Error screams and howls in pain.
Then, the screaming ends abruptly.
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