A Puppet Hanging By Her Strings~

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My prayers were cut short, when I saw my mom adn dad in the kitchen. My mom was standing over the sink, washing something, while my dad was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, and reading a newspaper. My mom looked up from the sink, turned around, and smiled at me. 

"Goodmorning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" she asked with her over cheery voice.

I just nodded and went over to the fridge. I grabbed a Monster from the fridge and closed the door. I popped open the tab and brought the drink up to my lips.

"Winter, why do you drink those awful things?" She asked, scrunching her nose up in disgust. After I tok a sip, I said "Cause they're good." 

"They may be good now, but just wait until one of those things gives you a heart attack." Dad added, not looking up from his paper. I just shrugged and said "Whatever." I walked over to the pantry, opened the door, and started searching for a snack. I don't really school food...Tha generict shit is pumped with all sorts of chemcials. I settled on a Zebra Cake, and opened it up.

"Winter, I'm making breakfast over here." She said, pointing to the stove. I took a bite of one of the cakes, and said "Sorry." She sighed and walked over to the stove. "I don't even know why I try." I heard her mumble. I rolled my eyes and slung my bacjpack over my shoulder. I said "I gotta get going. See you after school."

"Sweetie wait." mom said, stopping me. I turned around on my heel and asked "Yeah?" She looked at dad and said "We need to discuss some things." I sighed and asked "What kind of "things"?" Dad put the paper down and said "We've been talking to Tyler's parents about the idea of you two getting engaged and they think it's time for it to become offical." I groaned and shook my head. Tyler is the guy I'm "promised" to be married to. He's the son of our neighhbors Stephanie and Thomad Warren, and I've barely spoken a word to the guy. He's two years older than me, and his parents spoil him to death. He just looks like a cocky asshole. I don't wanna marry him, but noooo nobody cares how I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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