I can't believe they're cool with it

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Chapter 2: I can't believe they're cool with this

They walked across a grassy field, decorated with flowers, both earthly and unearthly. Saiki saw a huge castle like building a few meters away from a village circled by a humongous stone wall, strangely (or not) it seems Audamoú was leading him there.
They stopped in front of a huge gate with a board written "Dorms" above it. Audamoú put her hand and the handle and knocked 3 times. After knocking, the gate opened itself, letting the two enter the village like dorms.

One of the residents, probably other students, noticed the two and greeted them "Good morning Auda-Sensei, is he the new student for today?" A green haired boy asked. "Y~es, Midoriya. Would you mind showing him around~?" The woman asked. The boy shook his head and the woman handed him a silver key "Than~k Yo~u. His dorm is number 44 in the B district~! Also, feel free to use your powers here. O~k? Bye~!"
As the dorm master left, the green haired boy introduced himself "I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm from a world where most people have superpowers, I have super strength!" 'At least for now' he thought the last part, not that saiki have trouble telepathically hearing it.

Izuku Midoriya
Nickname: Midoriya (Friends)
Age: 15
Abilities: "one for all" quirk

'I'm Kusuo Saiki, I'm from a world where I'm just happen to be born as freak of nature'

"Did you just said that without opening your mouth"

'yes, I'm a psychic, I have many abilities, telepathy is one of them'

"That's so cool! Do you have complete control over your powers?"


"me neither!"

'can we skip to when you show me where my dorm is?'


Saiki followed Midoriya to where the B district located. The pinkette can't help but be amazed by how observant the broccoli is, no one from his world ever noticed how his mouth never part, he didn't even use hypnosis on them.

"Here it is, the B district, you should find the 44th dorm in the 2nd alley from the first alley in the right. Here I'll show you" Midoriya said as he walk towards the alley he described, saiki sighed 'i should've just told him I have clairvoyance'

Midoriya stopped in front of a house with 44 written on it. As Saiki looked around, all houses have a small garden with around 4 meter distance from each other. Questionably, Saiki's house is different from others. Not only that his has a mysterious extra part on the right side of the house and a rather suspicious cottage on the rather very wide garden, there's also a direction boards on the mouth if the alley with signs written "Dorm Representative Office" and "Dorm Meeting and Activity Center" both pointing at his house's direction. Not mentioning the fact that his house is the only house that face the entrance of the alley instead of facing another house. 'There's gotta be a troublesome reason behind this, but as far as my telepathy can hear, no one knows it'

"Each student have their own living quarters, as Auda-Sensei told me when I got here. Apparently your the last one to arrive. It's strange because you world isn't so far from this world, though the closest would be Gin-sensei's world" he explained
"yeah, the school not only take students from other world's, but teachers too. The took Gin-sensei here along with two other students, both of them is in the B district, I think number 5 and 6. Their quite... merry, in a way" Midoriya said, scratching the call of his head.

'great' saiki thought sarcastically, intentionally sending it to Midoriya.

"Your obviously not a people person, well, your a really nice guy for an introvert!" The broccoli cheered.

'I wish to quarantine myself'

"Anyway, I'll go back to my house, tomorrow would be the first student assembly and first day of school, let's do our best-"

'to disappoint them so I can go back home'

"Please tell me that was a joke"

'i could but I'm not sure myself'

"As expected of a student of an academy for international freaks"

'you all really okay with that title?'

"Of course"

'Good grief, you really are an Interdimensional freak'

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