Chapter Five:

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Things were going so well, he knew something had to be wrong.

He had spent all morning with two of his four favorite people - one of which was currently dead. It shouldn't have been possible, yet it was.

Which was why he never applied the term impossible to the Grand Line. Koala always said that the Grand Line was not an excuse for crazy things happening - or making them happen, but Sabo preferred to agree to disagree. It had a chaotic energy that Sabo felt right at home with.

A slow grin spread across his face as he maneuvered his way through the desks of revolutionaries.  They were recording information on government officials.  Where who would be and when.  As well as personal details for blackmail if needed.  Really, it was all very useful.

He knocked on Dragon's door, and waited a second, then invited himself in.  Dragon was seated at his desk, rummaging through paperwork as was as blueprints.  The revolutionary army was going to make their move soon, and Sabo couldn't wait until then.

Dragon looked up as Sabo slid into the seat across from him.  "Did you rest well?"

Sabo grinned.  "Slept like a rock."

They both knew it wasn't true, but what were revolutionaries but experienced liars?

Dragon set his pen down.  "Did something happen?"

Sabo set his journal down on the desk.  Ever since he was little, he had wanted to write a book about his adventures on the ocean.  At the time, he had thought that would involve him being a pirate with his two brothers, but that just wasn't where he ended up.  Nevertheless, the revolutionary army was the right place for him.  

And of course, he'd still document Luffy's adventures, and he had spoken with Marco about Ace when he had gone to visit his grave.  Now he'd be able to ask his brother himself about his adventures.

"What if I told you..." Sabo began.  "That ghosts are real?"

He explained it all to Dragon.  How in Dressrosa marines had fallen without assistance - that he could see, anyway - and how Koala had received the strange call through his transponder snail.  He even explained his dreams to Dragon.  Only two people knew of those dreams - Koala and Dragon.  Neither thought he was crazy, or even pitied him.  They only supported him.  He then told Dragon of all their discoveries since he had woken up Koala.  

Dragon had listened quietly, and had flipped through specific pages of the journal at Sabo's direction.  He never delivered reports, but when he wanted to he could take damn good notes.

"Is Fire Fist with us now?" Dragon asked.

Sabo shook his head.  "He wanted to go get some fresh air.  Ace never could sit -"

All at once, the world started spinning.  If he hadn't been sitting he probably would've fallen over.  For one horrible moment, he was reminded of when he had seen the newspaper detailing Ace's death.  Was he having some sort of relapse? 

Sabo stumbled to his feet.  Dragon had risen from his chair, usually stern features fixed in concern.  He scrambled towards the door.  "Ace," Sabo wheezed.  It felt as if he had been sucker punched by Koala.  "Something's happening....with Ace."

Dragon had moved in front of the desk and helped steady Sabo.  Then the door slammed open.  One of the revolutionaries was standing in the doorway, huffing.  "Fire!" the woman panted.  "Fire on the beach!"

Dragon's brows furrowed.  "A fire?"

Sabo righted himself slightly.  He still felt breathless, but not like he had been run over by a train.  "It's Ace.  Something's wrong."

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