chapter 4

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the next few weeks leading up to Christmas brake go by in a blurr. the last week of term is one of the best hardly any classes due to rehearsals, lots of drama performances and musical shows. the last few days are a blast with me and Anna planing a Christmas party at her house my life has been pretty quiet, i had almost forgotten about the kiss with Finn a month ago.

on the night of the party every thing is electric there are lights every were red gold green the normal for Christmas. so as the band is setting up i go up stairs and make sure all the rooms are locked as people (AKA Finn) have a habit of going upstairs and crashing in the rooms not that i mind i just wish they would tell me instead of just upping and going then i end up spending half the night looking for them. so as i trot down the stairs again i find the to clowns sat on the sofa with phones in hand. i shake my head at them as i sit on the coffee table and pick up my guitar resting against the ege of the table and play about with the strings until im finaly noticed.

annna finaly glances up and jumps like i just apered out of thin air, im consertrating on my guitar so i dont notice until she says my name in a frightend gasp and makes me look up. at this point finn is looking up to and we make eye contact and burst out laughing, anna just sits there getting more angry by the second looking at us like we are crazy but you have to admit it was kinda funny. finn finaly calms down enough to say 'i cant belive you didnt notice her, she s been sitting there like a freaking pixy for the pas ten minuets!' then we bust up laughing all over again.

when we finaly calm down people have started to arrive so i stand up still gigilyng and walk over to the guys on the make shift sage, theres ryan on drums jj and dean on guitar and eric on keybord and the fabulas me on guitar and lead singer. so as a walk up eric has his back turned to me so i jump on his back and cover his eyes with my hands, he got so scared he screamed and jumped making me fall off him on to the floor sending me in to another laughing fit. I fit in with the guys and am kinda bossy but they don't seem to mind, I mean they see me as their annoying sister and I see them as my annoying brothers so its a win win situation. anyway when we calm down they all say hi andwe get to tuneing up then we jam out our new song, some covers and some old songs over all the night is going near the end of the night wwe start taking requests mainly Christmas songs so after about ten of them we call it quits thank everyone and hand it over to the DJ.

I then go to find finn, it takes me about twenty minets but I finally find him out back watching Jamie try and do a back filp into the pool fail and complain he is cold when he comes out. I shakemyhead at the idiot and stand at therailing of the back porch with finn, 'hey hows it going?' I ask as I walk up, he turns and smiles at me cuo in hand I grabit and smell it to see what the hellhe is drinking so I can judge if iwanna take him home ornot, but before I can even try and desifer what it is he says 'its just water ray ray calm down.' ray ray, I think he hasn't called me that since we were like nine it was some stupid nick name he made up for me cuz I was wearing a silly yellow sundress and he said I lookedlike the sun and since my namewasraven the namejust stuck I guess, but he hasn't calledme that in years I guess I forgot about it and assumed he had to.

'since when do you call me that stupid name?' I ask with a wave of my hand thinking how sweetit was that he rememberd. 'uh since forever silly remember that summer when we came up with that? and ithought I was so awesome cuz I came up with your awesome nick name? you gotta remember that, right?' he asks with a smile of his stupid pretty boy face.' of course I remember im not an idiot im just surprisedyou rememberd I mean its not like you've used it lately ' I look away feeling stupid

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