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~Chapter 1~

"Mom, where's dad?" I asked as I placed utensils and plates on the table.It was very usual for him to be gone for such a long time.  It's been about, What? 3 Hours i believe.

"He's out right now but he should be here soon." Mom said calmly.

I nodded and went to the living room and turned on the television. I began mumbling songs to my self as i turned the channels. Something felt...odd. It felt as if my home was being watched from the beyond.  

As i sat there even longer, the strange feeling of being watched continued to grow.. I looked out the window and noticed some storm clouds forming over the city.

-bits of thunder and lightning cuts through the sky-

I watched the storm roll on top of the city from my cabin. We were high up on a mountain so the view of the city was quite spectacular, up until now. 

The lightning became heavier by the second; it struck the corner of some buildings and pieces fell off.  My thoughts were running wild, What the hell is going on ?  

From the clouds a supernatural being was born; one that lusts for the death of others.

From the clouds a supernatural being was born; one that lusts for the death of others

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This could NOT be real!

"Mom!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

A few seconds later she ran beside me and then out of the house, "Thamen..." She mumbled to herself.

He then instantly turned to our direction as if he heard his name. He raised his right hand and began creating a dark, purple orb. It looked vicious and wild, wind was spinning around it and its glow was blinding. As it got bigger by the second, he then hurled it into our direction. It flew across the sky with immense speed and power, leaving streaks of dark fire in mid-air. It soon landed in the forest near us with a massive explosion, sending a shock wave to our house.

"Get inside!" My mother stood outside boldly while I went in. From the window, i watched as she grab her necklace on her neck and began chanting words.

' From the highest cloud in Heaven, to deep darkest ocean in hell. Silvia, I summon you to protect me and my son.'

A portal appeared in front of my Mother and out appeared a female. She bore a pair of bright, white wings, different from any other angel. One was demonically dark, and the other was a holy white. Was she one of those halfers I've read about?

I continued to watch as she faced the oncoming wave. The angle then spread her wings out as a blue translucent force field surrounded the entire house. If I'm correct, small blue sparkles were being emitted from the shield.

My mom said a few words I couldn't hear and the angel then faced towards me.

"Ah !" I ducked in shyness onto the floor. Minutes later, I slowly rose from the ground to find the angel gone.

As the shock wave hit the force field, it created a loud crash. The crash rocked the entire house, making shelves and paintings fall onto the floor. The only thing that didn't fall was this odd-shaped candle. Once it ended, mutated animals and demons slowly forced their way out the forest near our home.

They looked, sad yet full of anger. Limbs were in places that usually seemed impossible...

My train of thought was then broken, "Come on.." My mother grabbed my hand and led me towards the living room. She pulled the candle on the wall and a trap door, hidden behind the T.V slowly crept open. Inside was a set of spiral stairs and torches on the wall. On the first four stairs we're four symbols; the first had a rock, the second had fire, the third had a block of ice, and the fourth was a pair of wings. The set of symbols then repeated downwards. We descended the stairs, each step lit up with a dimly glow. A few minutes of walking passed and we were face-to-face with a bronze door. It had the four symbols on it in a spiraling circle. Slightly above the first four symbols were another set, it was a symbol of an element or anything, but a face. A face with the color of the symbol below it.

My mom looked at me with a worried face and then placed her hand on it. The symbols began to emit a bright glow and began to shake. The cracks of the door burst onto fire. The heat was CRAZY. I began sweating instantly but my mother seemed to be just fine. The fire dimmed a little as the walls began to crumble. They did not move apart, but literally broke and faded away. I was able to see the floor of my house. The ground beneath us broke and fell into a dark abyss beneath us.

"Mom ! What's going on ?!" I was filled with fear. I began to breathe hard and sweat even more.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, "You have nothing to worry about dear." Her words soothed me and the fear was banished from my body. The sweat dried up and my heart felt calm. MY mind went blank for a few moments but yet again, my train of thought was broken by a set of roars.

It sounded like the wild beasts were getting closer but it wasn't.. It was gust of wind bursting from the darkness.. I eyed the door as my shirt was being tossed by the winds. It began to open as a bright light blinded me. Is this, is this supposed to be the final symbol ??

"I can't see ! Mom !" I didn't hear her voice, it felt as if i was alone. "Mom!" I called out again, continuing to cover my eyes from the light but there was no response.


There it goes again, that deathly roar, and i know for sure that this time it wasn't the wind. It sounded a few feet away from me and it was filled with anger and lust. I was able to hear their mouths filled with slob and blood combined. I couldn't keep myself balanced anymore. This same feeling from earlier, the feeling of being watched. It took control of me as my legs became weaker. I started wobbling and fell backwards. I couldn't see the lights anymore. I couldn't see ANY light. Only darkness. Am i dead? Did i fall through the door?

Where am i ?

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