A visit to an orphanage

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"You are what?"

Alec looked at his sister with wide eyes. She had been released from the hospital this morning. The doctors had kept her there for two days until they were absolutely certain that the poison had no lasting damage to her. She still looked a little pale around her nose, but otherwise, she seemed fine.

"I'm pregnant, Alec. In the sixth week," Izzy repeated quietly, grinning at him.

"Oh my god, that's incredible." Alec wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I am so happy for you. "

"Thanks," Izzy whispered, wiping away a happy tear that cascaded down her cheek.

"Who already knows about it?"

"Simon, you and mom. But please don't tell anyone else."

"My lips are sealed," Alec promised.

Izzy sat down on the sofa, Alec automatically dropped down next to her on the soft cushions. He had barely settled himself on his sofa when his sister stretched her legs over his lap, as she always did. She smiled at him, but Alec didn't miss the faint worry lines between his sister's brow.

"How are you feeling, Iz?"

Izzy pushed a few strands of stray hair behind her right ear and her smile vanished for a moment.

"To be honest ... shitty. But please don't tell anyone. I don't want Simon or mom to worry any more than they already are."

"Izzy ... you were poisoned. It's normal not to be nonchalant about it or recuperate without even feeling a little demoralised."

Alec gently stroked her lower legs, massaging her tense muscles.

"I'm just so glad that the poison didn't ..."

Izzy fell silent and put a hand over her stomach.

"I'm so sorry, Iz"

She looked up at him.

"Hey, it's not your fault, Alec."

Giving his shoulder a quick squeeze, she spoke before Alec could say anything.

"Have the police found out who was behind it or do they have any idea of a motive?"

Alec shook his head and his expression darkened.

The police were still in the dark. Just like Magnus, Jace and himself were. The assassin had examined the wine cellar the following morning, but he hadn't found any trace evidence that would lead to a suspect. No other wine bottles laced with cyanide were found. No fingerprints. Nothing.

The police had finally determined that the perpetrator must have added the poison to the wine shortly before it was served. Therefore, only one of their attendants could be considered with involvement. But of course, everyone had denied having had anything to do with it. The police had searched the servant's lodgings thoroughly and over the past two days, Magnus had also taken a look at their rooms; secretly, of course. But, nothing had been found there that would help them or the police to finally end the search. Nevertheless, his mother had released the kitchen staff from their duties until further notice; just to be on the safe side.

Of course, the incident with the poison hadn't gone unnoticed. Alec had received many emails over the past two days, in which citizens and members of other noble families expressed their support. Even the press had asked for an interview, but he vehemently refused to give one. Fortunately, the police made sure that nobody came close to his family's house, and two officers had also been stationed in front of his apartment in an undercover car to protect him; much to Magnus' displeasure. But Alec couldn't do anything about it. After all, the police were just doing their job.

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