Quirk Sheet

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Shapeshifting- Needs either something vital to the item/specimen, (Like bones, certain metals [based on what its in] leaves, skin cells. ect)please ask if you want help understanding or seeing if you can do certain things or how the item is made(Specifically for items. Kinda like Momo’s). Can turn into other people with skin cells or any other form of DNA. So snagging something like a glove someone wears often, and putting it on can form them. It is possible to make specific parts of the body into things. Like just an arm into a flashlight, or ears into cats, but takes tons of focus and strength, and doesn't always last long. Depending on what the item/animal/person is and is doing in that form is how much energy is used. Something like a cat or laying around like a sword wouldn’t take much and can be used longer. Being in animal forms tends to make the person take on the instincts of said animal.

Mom overview- An archaeologist, when she’s not spending time traveling and digging up stuff, she’s spending time in her lab with others, looking over artifacts. During lab days she works about the same hours dad does. Her quirk: Which I had planned before the job and damn just realized works greatly for this teleportation. How far away the place is will depend on how often she can use it. And needs coordinates to teleport further from sight. Tends to push limits to see her family. Is great for building exploration, can easily dodge activated traps, but will not teleport into rooms on maps, she doesn’t trust them.

Dad overview- Works an office job from 9 to 4. Is quirkless. Shapeshifting was his mother's quirk, skipped a generation to his child.

Sorry there isn’t much. And I tried keeping it gender neutral just in case someone liked this family set up. Though if used, please credit me. I adore my Shapeshifting idea too much for someone to claim it as theirs.(By the idea I mean all the stuff it takes to shapeshift and stuff..)

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