Ch. 22 The Distance Some Will Go..

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3240 words! So before we get into anything, please make sure you've read ch 21, or the beginning will confuse the shit out of you. TOWARDS THE END THERE IS INDECENCY AND MAJOR HINTS OF RAPE, AND ATTEMPTED MURDER I HAVE WARNED, THERE IS WARNINGS IN THE CHAPTER AS WELL
The art is mine, it comes in duribg the warning part, that is one of my ocs in place of you, reader.
I scrambled to finish this because I have 3.12K reads?! Wattpad has to be lying!!! Thank you all so much!!!

Shoto's POV

The first three days of my break where hell, up and down, a goddamn rollercoaster. I'd feel great chatting with Fuyumi in the morning as she would help me prepare activities that could help set out my emotions and fight my problems head on. "I know you, you are the type to want to fight with all you got, so let's single it out." She told me as she had my face squished in her hands before waving me bye for work on Monday. But by the afternoon I'd get frustrated, unable to figure out where the problems stemmed. The activities only led me further from what I was thinking was the problem, I couldn't make sense of it.

Then after asking Hatsume how (Y/n) was, as she still wasn't answering my texts, I'd spend the rest of my afternoon 'angry' -I will never admit that I'm sad- crying then sleeping from exhaustion. But by the time I'd actually see my father I'd just want to punch him in the dead ass face. In that ungodly scar. And that would spiral my mood from red to pitch black, and I'd sulk back into my room and stare at the picture of (Y/n) with her flowers that I oh so stupidly put in a picture frame by one of my pictures with the used to be fresh scar.

I found myself running fingers over my forehead where she gave me the kiss the first night she lulled me to sleep. I was so fucking out of it that night but I remember her tenderly touching my face. Her caring words had soaked through the darkness that night, and like the last three days, they always found they're way to me. The corner of my lips twitched, and what I always thought was a horrid sight appeared. Unused to smiling but completely comfortable with it when around the right people, I let it stay as I steadily brought my utensil to my mouth.

The taste of the food blew me away and even though it was days old and microwaved, I loved it. Her taste in food is impeccable! I shoveled another bite into my mouth, a wide smile taking place of the small one. The maid that had brought my food to me gave me a sweet smile. "Oh it's so great to see you enjoying lunch finally!" She cheered, pouring me a cup of tea. I swallowed, after some difficulty to chew all that I placed into my mouth.

"Thank you. You didn't need to bring me lunch either, I could have come down myself." She shook her head and set the cup down for me.

"Then I wouldn't have been able to see how happy you are right now! Oh Fuyumi will be so ecstatic!" She dusted off her hands and gave me a thumbs up before retreating from my room. I frowned remembering that Fuyumi would be staying after school for class related stuff she didn't specify. Nonetheless I shrugged off the saddening topic and carried on with eating. Every bite just seemed better than the last and I couldn't figure out just what it was that drew me into the meal.

I wiped my mouth and brought down the dirty dishes after finishing and set them into the sink, sighing. I walked over to one of the ladies that stayed around the kitchen, she smiled at me and bowed in greeting to which I returned the gesture. "I wanted to let you know that I might take a nap.." I mumbled and she smiled.

"Have a nice nap Master Shoto." I grimaced and walked away stiffly, never really liking when addressed as such. Once in my room I stretched, yawning. One thing I'm fairly happy about is the ample amount of naps and lack of being disturbed during them. Laying down I stared at my ceiling wondering about (Y/n) was probably doing and if she was thinking about me too. With the mental image of her as she slept wrapped around me, and the near feeling of her being back in my arms, I fell asleep.

✓ Your Left Eye, My Right Arm Shoto x Reader Soulmate AU Where stories live. Discover now