Twenty two

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Yoongi stood up, wanting to talk to his only hyung in the dorm. As he got closer to the older's room door, he heard talking inside. He eavesdropped, hearing a familiar voice and his hyung's. He knocks, but it wasn't answered, so he just opened it. His jaw dropped, his hyung was having a facetime with Jungkook, he knew it was the younger, he recognized the voice.

"Hyung?" Yoongi says, startling the older who dropped his phone on his bed.
"Yoongi, what are you doing here?" Jin says, furrowing his brows. He looks at the younger up and down, seeing a cat plushie in his hand.
"I just wanted to talk to you about Jungkook" Yoongi says, sitting down beside Jin, and turning the phone around as it fell on the front.
"Hyungie, screenshot this, you could make this as wallpaper" Jungkook says, cupping his face with his hands and making a pouting face. Jin smiles, screenshotting the moment.

Yoongi stared at his hyung, clueless of what's happening.
"Okay, baby, I'll end the call now, I have something to do" Jin says, blowing the younger a kiss.
"Okay, hyungie, love you, bye!" Jungkook says before the call ended. The older looked at Yoongi, seeing his shocked expression.
"Baby? Are you guys together?" The younger asks, the older nodding as he crosses his arms.
"What, you gonna hate me now?" Jin says, rolling his eyes.
"No, I was just shocked" Yoongi replies, feeling guilty.

"So, what do you want to talk about with?" The older asks, looking at the cat plushie on his hand.
"I just wanted to apologize to Jungkook, I realized my mistake and I regret that. I cried because I saw this plushie, he used the money that should be for him just to buy me this, all of us had this, right?" Yoongi says, giving the older his cat plushie.
"It's okay if he don't forgive me, I hurt him, so it's okay" He continued, standing up but was stopped Jin.
"Wait, let's talk to my boyfriend" The older says, dialling a certain number.

The call was then answered and Jungkook's squealing voice was heard.
"Hi, hyungie! Mommy and Daddy are back, I'm happy!"
"That's good, baby, but someone wants to talk to you" Jin says, giving the phone to Yoongi.
"Oh, who is it?"

"Hi Jungkook"

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