Naomi's GREAT Idea

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Becca fiddled with her keys as she headed out to work, trying to lock the door behind her, when she was attacked by a slobbery and aggressively affectionate German Shepherd. "Ack!"

"Fred! Damn it!" Andrew ran over and grabbed Fred's collar, dragging him off Becca, where the dog had been joyfully licking her bare arms. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"Not a problem." Becca scratched Fred's head, right behind his ears. His eyes rolled up and his tongue lolled out from a wolfish grin.

Andrew also rolled his eyes, but for a different reason. "You're spoiling him."

"He's a handsome guy who just needs some lovin'!" Becca laughed.

"Don't we all," Andrew muttered before pulling Fred away.

"Don't you have a new girlfriend every week?" Becca said, meaning it to be mocking more than mean, but Andrew cringed.

"Not on purpose?" He finally managed to clip Fred's leash to his collar.

Becca raised her eyebrows.

"They like the package." He waved a hand over himself. "They don't like the rest of it. Me. I mean, you know, my personality," he stammered. Becca would have thought he was playing shy if she didn't know better.

"Are you some kind of horrible monster?" She finally got her door locked and put her keys in her backpack.

"I hope not. I think it's more that I'm not into clubbing and stuff. And there's Fred. Not everyone is a dog person."

Becca nodded. "True, and he's a very doggy dog."

Andrew nodded solemnly. "Very doggy."

Becca laughed. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find the right girl someday."

He shrugged. "Maybe. Emmie dumped me yesterday because I am, quote, 'a bore'. I think I need a break." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was wearing jogging shorts and a tight sleeveless teeshirt, and Becca worked very hard at keeping her focus on his face as he talked. "I'm a romantic, you know? But I need to focus on the business, do some more networking, that kind of thing. Get in with the arts crowd here in town, not get distracted by a pretty face."

Becca slipped her backpack on as they headed towards the stairs. "Doug and Daniel can help you with the networking, they are very well connected."

"The photographer and his boyfriend, right? Good to know. I'm set up to do a shoot with him this weekend."

"He's a good guy and 100% devoted to Daniel but be prepared for him to, ah, admire your assets."

Andrew snorted a laugh as he jogged down the stairs ahead of her. "I'm used to that. As long as he doesn't get handsy we'll be fine."

"Oh no, he won't touch. At least, not unless you want him too. He's big on consent. Models love working with him."

Andrew paused at the bottom of the stairs. "Thanks. It's good to know that. Some photographers, well, 'skeevy' is too kind a word. I know I look good. A lot of people are attracted to me, but I deserve respect. I work hard at this." He pointed at his abs.

"That's, uh, obvious," Becca said, failing to sound smooth. Andrew laughed like she had made a joke and waved as he jogged off, hauling Fred along.

Becca was still feeling sorry for Andrew and his apparently disastrous love life when she walked through the door of the studio, so she did not quite catch on that Naomi had been lying in wait for her.

"Becca!" Naomi grinned at her, her smile too wide and her eyes too sparkly, as she blocked the doorway to their office/changing room.

Becca narrowed her eyes. "What?"

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