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The virus was taking hold, but they had to continue working. The last case that had come to them had killed them. A cheerful but worried Garcia received them as soon as they got out of the elevator. She asked everyone how they were feeling, she was afraid someone had infected. Fortunately, they were all in good shape. She was glad to know it and gave a warm hug to everyone.

-They must return to their homes, a rumor is circulating that a mandatory quarantine could be installed this very night- Said Garcia.

-Quiet, we'll go home anyway- Dave replied.

-Yes, I'm exhausted- said JJ- Also, I want to see Henry.

-I'll go too, I was just waiting for you.- Said Garcia.

-I Carry you, precious?- Morgan offered.

-Thanks gallant.

They were all gone, except Hotch and Emily. He was in his office, he didn't want to take the paperwork home. For her part, Emily was sitting at her desk, she had to finish the case file before she left. They were the only ones there, there were more people in the building, but the agents with whom they shared that space had left. About half an hour passed, when the news channel started giving an alert. Emily turned up the volume on the television.

-A mandatory quarantine has been declared as of this moment. Stay in your houses. Anyone who does not respect it, will have consequences.- ended the announcer.

Emily quickly went up to Hotch's office.

-Did you hear that?- She asked.

-What thing?

-A mandatory quarantine has been declared. We can't get out of here.

-Is it serious?- Hotch asked.

-They just gave it in the news.

Hotch picked up the phone and contacted the security sector.

-Have you closed the building?

-Yes, I'm sorry sir, but it is mandatory.

-I know, thanks- He said and cut the call.

-We will have to stay here- He said, as serious as usual.


-Yes, I know, I wanted to go with Jack. I'll call to see how they're doing.

-Well, I'm going to make coffee, we'll be here for a long time.

Emily went to the kitchen. The situation could not make her more uncomfortable. Of all the people on the team, she had to stay with him. That didn't help keep her feelings at bay. He made two coffees and returned to Hotch's office.

-Thank you.

Emily did not reply. She just sat across from him. Hotch noticed her tired and somewhat annoyed.

-Is something wrong with you?- He asked.

-No, why?

-You look upset.

-I just ... really wanted to go home.

For some reason he did not believe her, but decided not to continue investigating, at least for now.

-Did you finish with the file?- She asked.

-Yes, you?

-Yes. It still disturbs me. How can they involve children in these things?- She said without understanding.

-I do not understand it either.

-Those little ones will need all the help they can get through these things. Sometimes I don't even understand how we get over it.

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