"I like to think I'm a good person. I'm nice, I'm smart, I'm the perfect blend of sarcasm and honesty! ... I could probably work on actually, you know... not being overbearing..."
( Tenly tries to be a good person. She'd much rather not be around people in general, preferring the company of her plants, but that's mostly because a vast majority of people find her annoying due to her plant obsession. She can be extremely sarcastic, and very stubborn when it comes to the care and respect of her plants. When she does interact with people, she does her best to be open, honest, and peppy. )
"Well, I mean... I love my plants! They're a lot more reliable than anything else in my life... sometimes even more reliable than my brother. Although, he can get a little too into my life, you know? He's rather protective of me... Oh! Another thing I like is running! It gets out a lot of energy and I enjoy the freedom that comes with it!"