Well i have had some hard times in life but some i will remember for a life time! Lets start with one of my memorys (btw they are all about friendship) Sometimes at my friends house we have sleepovers with my other friend and we invite one of our other friends. By the end of the night we always fall out and end up being mean to each other; inoo it isnt what best friends are suppoused to be like but thats just what we are like! All of my friends are nice ad so am i but they jus end up falling out all of us because of some bizzare reason!!
Another memory is when we went sleighing and my other friend wanted to go home but everyone else didnt want to so thattime it ended us ALL falling out Again? My friend was too cold and it was freezing and she wanted to go so i went with her and my other friend went with her she ran crying and i was sooooooo sad but she needed to go so we went!
ANother 1 is that i think all of us can remeber is when my friend invite somone else to her house and then they went o out so me and ny 2 other friends went out and she thought we were taking her away from her but we wasn't we were just playing in the snow! When we had played inthe snow we went back to my friends house and we ask her if we could join her wattpad; she sed yes and her friend that she is with in a group and then she wrote about us in her wattpad thing accusing us of stealing her friend!
I hope you have enjoyed reading this and i hope you understand everything,
One of the other group members will write now!!