Chapter 4: The curse

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As we all walked to the strange mans house Emma told Wayne that she was starting to feel weak and tired. When we arrived to the man's house he introduced him self.

"my name is bob, I've been living in this here neighborhood for about 45 years, you kids shouldn't be out here this late, come in I made some tea"

As Bob walked in the house we all look at each other and Mike said.

"Should we trust him?"

"He did just save us from those beasts, so I say we trust him" said West

We all looked at each other, I saw all of are faces still filled with fear from what we just witnessed. We all agreed and walked in Bobs house, his house looked like it was made in the 1800's, as we walked in everything looked like he lived in a cabin, Wayne asks Bob "excuse me sir were is a bedroom my girlfriend is feeling weak" "Oh sure, follow me"

As bob took Wayne and Emma to the back of the house, we all sat down at an old wooden circular table with a few nails on top of it, right next to the kitchen. When bob came back into the kitchen he started to make some tea for us in mason jars, then bob sat down and asked us

"What did you kids see out there?"

"It was a werewolf sir, I know we might seem crazy but it's true" said west with a shaky voice

"I believe you kids, Werewolves in this town have been around for centuries, I've had my far share of werewolves trying to kill me"

"So why are you still here?" said Jenny.

"To keep people safe, like you kids, if I wasn't here you would either be mauled to death or they would scratch or bite you and you would turn into a werewolf"

"How is that possible? a scratch cant turn you into something" said Mike.

"There claws carry a type of poison that will seep into your skin and blood stream"

"So do you think maybe that...Emma could be a werewolf?" said West.

"most likely I saw her sweating and feeling faint" said bob.

Then bob puts a small little gun on the table and takes out one silver bullet

"Use this on your friend"

We all shot up from the table in disbelief

"Are you fucking kidding me!" yelled Mike.

"Listen I know its your friend but she's going to become one of those beasts, its not long before she transforms"

"No one is going to shoot Emma! It's already almost day time and, we have to go back to Kye's place...for some stupid block party" Said West.

"Oh no...the annual feast! You kids listen to me and listen to me good!" said Bob

When bob yelled at us not to go he slammed his fist on the table and said

"Every 5 years they have a block party to feast on humans like us! If you go to that block party it will be a death trap for all of you!"

West looked at us and grabbed the gun on the table but Jenna grabbed his arm before his hand even touched the gun and said

"West are you crazy! we are not about to kill are friend!"

"Listen its either we kill Emma and not die or we either get killed or turned into werewolves!" be continued

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