Don't Push It

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Two weeks later, the Weatherly's were back visiting. As usual, Dimitri was requested to join them at dinner. His grandmother always told him great things about Lady Kimberly. Now, as they sat on the veranda having iced tea, she finally asked. "What do you think of Lady Kimberly?" Not waiting for his reply, she continued, "I think she really adores you, Dimitri; she would make a fine wife."

Dimitri was not surprised by her bold statement. He knew that his grandmother fancied Lady Kimberly. He pretended to care. "Well, yes. I think she can make a fine wife, mother, but don't you think I should know her first? After all, it's only been two weeks," he drawled.

His grandmother laughed. Her blue eyes shone with interest. "Well, son, I have known her all her life. She is truly a brilliant girl and she is quite taken with you. You should absolutely give the darling a chance."

At that moment, Siwhetta walked in, offering refreshments and Dimitri's eyes followed her approvingly. His grandmother noticed how fascinated he was by the girl and despised it. She quickly added. "Of course, she will be coming later to have dinner with us. Lord Weatherly will be very happy to know that you are going to court his daughter."

Siwhetta, who was arranging the plates on the table, dropped the platter with the freshly-baked cookies. It fell with a clatter. Startled, she stammered, "I apologise, my lady, and my lord." She quickly added, "I shall return instantly with some more treats."

"Oh girl!" Lady Noelita scolded. "You are so clumsy. I have ordered a million times for you to return to the plantation. You are not fit for domestic work."

Siwhetta curtsied and rushed out of the room, humiliated from what she had just done. Her ladyship had hated her from the day she began her duties at the manor. She had tried so many ways to change the woman's heart towards her but nothing was effective. She strode towards the kitchen as she hastily grabbed some more refreshments. While leaving, she nearly ran into Dimitri's hard frame. He was there to comfort her. 

He had been doing so from day one on her new post, strengthening her even when she felt like giving up. She rolled her eyes and then glanced at the other maid-servants who were helping in the kitchen. They were staring curiously at the two of them. Siwhetta chased him away, "Please Dimitri, not now." He chuckled and followed her out of the kitchen, squeezing her buttocks. He took the tray of refreshments from her hand and placed it on the table. "I know you felt terrible about what happened a few minutes ago but, it's ok, my grandmother will warm up to you, I am sure."

She looked at him for reassurance, "Are you sure?"

He nodded as he picked up a cookie, "Absolutely!"

He handed her the tray and whispered that she must meet him upstairs for some quiet time.

Siwhetta refused but he insisted. Defeated, she finally gave in. She didn't want to spend much time with him alone in public. To avoid anymore scandal, she had requested that he move her accommodation to the ground floor where the other maid servants were. After some discussion, he finally decided to please her. However, he had requested and prepared a room alone for her. She had received much reproach and negativity from her people and didn't know what else she could do to appease them. The more she pushed Dimitri away, the more he got closer. Every evening after he left her, Siwhetta would spend most of her time crying, asking God to strengthen her through her ordeal. Presently, she returned to the veranda with the refreshments. She curtsied and offered her ladyship some tea. Lady Noelita accepted the offer and requested Siwhetta to come to her.

Siwhetta walked over to her apprehensively, waiting. She shivered as she watched Lady Noelita looking at her from head to toe disdainfully. "Do you think my grandson will keep you in his bed?"

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