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Will you be my runway

Cause I feel like I need to run away

Into the middle of nowhere

I want to be anywhere

Just not here

Cause this is where I fear

I feel trapped in my own mind

So if you don't mind

Run away with me

I don't know where I want to be

But I know the way

And that is away

I hope you get it

But if you don't

Just know that I get it

The feelings I feel

They are complicated

Some of 'em I might have created

So swallow them like a meal

Let's forget about it

I don't want to feel like this weird misfit

I want to feel at home for once

Where I feel free to dance

To forgive myself for everything

And where I don't have to worry about each damn thing

Or anyone but you

I want to have a space where I can feel blue

Without being judged for being who I am

Let me at least run away


You know you can come along

I don't want you to drown in my tears

I don't want to be any of your fears

So let me sing my own song

Close your eyes and I will be gone long

runAwayWhere stories live. Discover now