It's Just Work

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The next day we all wake up.  The boy's phones are blown up with text messages from their bosses.  We all hear a aggressive knock on the door.  All the girls run into my room and the boys open the door. The girls can hear yelling upstairs.

Boss: Why was there some girl cleaning the house and dancing on your Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat?

Jaden: It was just a girl we hired to clean the house.

Boss: Really do you wouldn't mind if we check the rooms then?

Bryce: Go right ahead.

All the girls go into their boyfriends room.

The boss knocks on each door and finds all of their girlfriends.

Boss: Have you seen a girl in the house?

All the girls: No. The maid has off because of the hacking.


He walks into the room your hiding in.

Boss: Hello?

Y/C stays quiet and hides under the bed with all your stuff. Their boss looks around and sees. He walks back to the boys.

Boss: Fine but just so you know if she does live here it's fine but you have to tell me.

Griffin: Wait. She does live here.

Boss: What.

Griffin: She lives here with us.

Griffin explains how you come to live with them and everything that happened with Jaden.

Boss: Jaden.

Jaden: Yesss?

Boss: Do you actually like her?

Jaden: Yes.

Boss: I would like to meet her. Please go get her.

Jaden walk into the room.

Jaden: Get dress he wants to meet you.

Y/C: Ok.

You get dress and do your hair and walk to where the boss is.

Y/C: Hi, my name is Y/N.

Boss: Nice to meet you.

Y/C: Nice to meet you too.

Boss: I have heard what has happened to you. I am so sorry.

Y/C: It's no problem. I have had the guys with me.  They are amazing. If you want me to leave just give me a few days and I'll be out.

Boss: No, no, no. I want you to stay but we will have to give you some sponsors. Which means we got to get you on social media. For all the fans outside your house right now we will have to deal with first.  Everyone go outside and post that she has not joined the Sway House but she helps out around the house.

Y/C: Oh my god. Thank you so much. You hug boss.

Boss: Go go. Chop chop.

Bryce walks outside and the others go on their phones.

Bryce: Ok guys please go home. If you look on your phone's everything will be explained.

Everyone goes home a looks on their phones. All the guys say the same thing.


Hey guys! Y/N is not part of the Sway House and none of us are dating her. She helps around the house because well you know us. 😅 We would like to give a shout to Y/N. Your @.  She is very helpful and does not deserve hate. We all love you.

Everyone helped me set up my accounts and helped me take a lot of pictures. We posted them I put some positive tweets.  I turned of my phone and started to clean and make food.  I went back on my phone to find 3.5k followers on my Instagram. I posted a thank video to everyone and took some mirror selfies.

A few months later.

I have 1million on everything. People are starting to ship me a Jaden. Those people are 100% right. My relationship  with Jaden is going awesome. I've been getting modeling jobs.

A year after I started social media.

Jaden and I are dating still and everyone knows. We get jealous sometimes though but we are still good.  I'm now a actress new tv series coming out soon.

1year later.

Everything is going good. I'm a famous actress. Jaden is a rock star. Josh is running a company. Bryce finally got a girlfriend. Griffin is now a doctor. Kio is now a actor and Anthony is with his girlfriend. We all don't leave together anymore but we all keep in touch. Jaden and I are still dating.

2years later.

Jaden and I are getting married, Bryce is a dad I know shocking,  Josh is getting married, Griffin has a wife with a kid, Anthony gots a kid, and Kio is married.

1year later.

Jaden and I have a kid. Josh has a kid. Kio has a kid. That's pretty much it. The Sway Boys changed my whole life and I love all of them. That is my story byeeeeeee.

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