Chapter 4: Aurelio

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The best place in my house was the bar. It was fully stocked with anything you would need to make the standard drinks. I didn't have to leave the house to get drunk, and I didn't have to pay for someone to make something I could create better. 

Sitting on my barstool, I could figure even the most difficult of situations out. Most said I was an alcoholic, but I found that drinking kept me sane. Even just sitting at the bar made me calm.

I watched as the event preppers moved through my home. The DJ was spinning through a few tracks that would surely move the crowd. It was six in the afternoon, only three hours before the party would begin. There was no theme for the party, but it would serve a purpose. 

I had woken up with Milo on my mind. He was around five foot nine with muddy brown eyes, black hair that he'd diligently brushed into a wave pattern. His medium brown skin tone complemented the red flannel he had worn the last time I saw him. His body was lean but toned, I could tell he ran a lot. I could feel the power in his legs when I held him over a week ago. His pouty lips were a mix of brown and pink that needed to be kissed. His jawline was so sharp it could cut glass. With the tamed brows and shaven face he looked to be in his early twenties, he had not told me his actual age.

He was handsome but suspicious. He would think for a long stretch of time, which in and of itself was not suspicious but something at the back of mind was screaming at me to keep and eye out. He had let me do most of the talking in the morning which was fine since he came off as naturally shy. When he did speak it was like he was performing, not outright because that would have sounded the warning bells. It was a subtle performance, the way he moved came off a little choreographed, like not standing completely straight up hurt him. Most people performed in public so it was another thing I noted but did not act on.

Never the less I was excited to pick him up from the airport. I double checked the time and stood from the stool. I had to leave immediately to get there in time. Leaving the bar area I walked into the living room that had been outfitted with a blacklight to set the mood. The head party planner was with Isaac, my head seller having a discussion about the food for the night. Isaac saw me coming and nodded his head. I signaled that I was leaving and he nodded. Before I stepped out I went to my floor length mirror and made sure my white shirt was clean, and my jeans as well. I opted for sandals that I had placed at my door earlier.

Leaving I choose my red Tesla to drive, one of my financial vices were cars. I loved modern luxury cars that could go fast. I hated where I lived but I loved that there were long roads with little police activity surrounding the area so I could put the gas pedal to the floor often. I pulled off and began driving towards town.

I had picked San Angelo as my hub because it was small and unassuming. Very few people could point it out on a map, and many were looking to leave as soon as they got there. It was a college town so there was a constant influx of potential customers and with the changing population nobody batted an eye at newcomers. I lived with very little worry compared to the person who had my position before choosing to live in Houston. The idiot wanted to be close to the ports, but mostly he wanted to live the high life. Buying exotic animals, purchasing jets. He was everything but discreet, so I killed him before he could destroy my way of life.

As I drove into town, I slowed while soccer moms and teens creeped along the newly paved roads. My finger tapped on the steering wheel when they stopped randomly or drove under the speed limit. Growing up, I did not imagine that I would be in the position I was. I also didn't imagine being a lieutenant would be so boring. I would have expected to be fucking dudes and bitches all the time then taking money baths. I had done that once, but the glamour was not as enjoyable as the movies portrayed it to be,  I even ended up getting a rash from the dirty money.

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