chapter 1

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I was walking to school listening to music minding my own business then this girl came to me and gave a paper "wanna sign up to the basketball team?" she said my music was low so i could hear her, i looked at the paper and said "i'll think about it" she nodded and smiled then walked away i really dont like it when someone out of no where comes up and talks to me, i dont really know what to and it can get uncomfortable and things like that and i dont like that feeling. I made it to school and went to my homeroom and sat down at my desk and got things i needed for the day, i have history first and that the some class as my homeroom so i really dont move around i dont talk a lot in class because i dont  have friends to talk too, so i read my book and wait until the class starts.

i was reading when a new boy sat next to me, he looked and waves while smiling so i did the same and continued reading, hopefully he doesn't talk to me, "hey im Brandon" oh of fuck sake, "hi im Sam" i said smiling.
"Sam, thats a pretty name" he said looking at my book "what are you reading?"
are you kidding me just please i dont like talking to new people.
"its the given chance, its about 2 girls falling in love" i said while looking at the my book.
"oh really, okay then so im new and i dont really know my way around, can you show me around when we get out of history?" he was looking into my eyes "i mean if you want" he said breaking the eye contact.
"um y-yeah sure thing."
"okay great thx!!" he said while giving me a big smile, not going to lie hes smile is pretty cute.

after history i got up and Brandon got up after me, we made eye contact the he said "do you art after this class?" he looked at his paper then back at me.
"yeah, yeah i do" why did i say yeah twice!?
"great!! i have art too" he said smiling
"yaya! lets go" im going to cry.
We walked to art, he was pretty tall (im 5'6 btw) so i had to look at to talk to him.
"did you see that paper that says sign to join the basketball team?" he said
"yeah i did why?" i said
"you should join, you look like you can do good on the team." he smiled softly
"umm yeah i dont think so i like basketball but i dont really like playing it" i said blushing.
"your red! are you okay?!" he said smirking
"yeah its just hot in this school" i said smiling like nothing is wrong.
"oh okay then, is this the room?" he said pointing at the art room
"yeah thats it" i walked in and he walked in after me.

Art was fun but he wouldn't stop looking at me, i mean i like it when he looks at me because i can see this eyes and his eyes are blue, and his jawline can cut someone and hes smile is so adorable and his weight i think i have to jump to hug him and wait a minute!!! no no no Sam stop it hes a new kid you saw him for 2 hours now, Sam come down. But like hes cute, i need to stoppp.

After art was lunch, i sit alone at lunch time i go out and make friends and shit like that, i was get a table eat my food and read but Brandon sat in the same table with me and a lot of girls around him already, but he didn't look interested in them.
"girls im trying to eat can you please leave me alone?" he said kindly
all the girls rolled there eyes and left and he starting talking to me.
"hey i was wondering if you wanna come with to sign up for the teams at least give it a try please."
really still with the team, i'll think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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