I completely apologize about an update taking forever. I just had some things to worry about that was and is more important then writing. Plus I don't have confidence that this is a good story, I've never been a good writer. But anyway please let me know it this chapter is good. Comment. Vote. Like.
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Skye.I awoke with a start. Pain shot through my whole body. The pain making it hard to breathe. It took everything in me to open my eyes, part of me just wished I was dead, I wanted all this pain to be over.
After a long debate, I finally came to the conclusion to open my eyes, at first it was hard to open my eyes. Yea yea, I know, stupid right. But even making a little movement hurt.
When my eyes finally opened, all I could see was the black sky with millions of stars. If it was any other day, I would just lay there and list all the things I find beautiful about looking at the stars. But this wasn't any other day.
I slowly tilted my head towards the many voices to my left, there sat around the fire was the group of idiotic maniacs that probably couldn't tell their left from their right. My eyes moved from each person, trying to locate that one face that now seemed to be on my mind from the moment I passed out. He was no where to be seen around the fire. I started to panic, it's pathetic that I'm worrying about him, he's the one that got me in this mess, but he's also the only one here to protect me.
My eyes wondered away from the fire to look at my surrounding but movement by a tree caught my attention. It was Robby. The gleam of the fire shown across his face, it looked as if he had a black eye. He must of felt my eyes on him because before I knew it, our eyes were locked. It felt like everything around us disappeared, instead of what I might of felt if I wasn't in this situation with all the butterflies in my tummy(yes I say tummy, deal with it) and just wanting to tear his clothes of. But that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to walk over there and beat the crap out of him. This was all his fault.
I tried to give him the look that if we make it out of this alive that "he won't be alive for long because I will be the one to kill him". We had our little stare down for who knows how long, but it came to an end when dr. Evil and his minions decided to include me in their conversation.
"So what are we gunna do with her now Edmund, kill her?" Alec asked ask in dr. Evils way. Edmund must be his real name, well duh I know dr. Evil isn't his real one, but it should be.
I accidentally started to giggle at the thought of his parents naming him that. Quickly realizing that I might make enough noise to break their conversation, I slapped my hand on my mouth making my giggles to stop.
"We really don't have much use for her anymore since we proved a point I think" he said glancing in Robbie's direction.
Robby's head quickly snap in his direction "so we can let her go home now?" He asked, his voice filled with hope.
"Can't let her go now, she's seen all our faces and knows all our names plus she knows your in on something. We can't let her go now." Edmund replied back with a smirk.
"You son of a bitch! You said you'd let her go. She won't tell. She's smart enough to not tell!" Robby yelled.
Every one in the group started to laugh at Robbie's outburst. I was confused. These heartless people just laughed at someone who wanted to save another's life. Didn't they have family that they would risk their lives to save. Probably not but still. They wanted to kill me and not even blink an eye.
"In fact I want to put some more use from her before we kill her. Why not have some fun with her " Austin said out loud to no one in particular.
My heart started to beat louder. I was terrified. The only thought that came to mind was horrid. It's a group of guys. A group of heartless guys who could care less. Only one thing could be running through their minds.
I struggled to get out of the ropes, it was no use. Tears were slowly coming out. I tried and tried to get out of the ropes but there was no use. I wasn't getting free, I was going to die.
As I was struggling I heard Edmunds answer to Alec's statement.
" Have at it, just take care of her yourself."
My hear stopped. There is no way In hell I will let this happen.
I looked in Robbie's direction, his back was towards me when he went after Alec. They started fighting and only stopped when they were ripped away from each other.
"There is no way I'm letting your nasty ass touch her, none of you will touch her" Robby screamed.
Alec did nothing but smirk at Robby.
"I'll touch her how I want and where I want. And guess what, your not going to do anything. But I will make you watch as I fuck her and make her take her last breath"Two men by the names hunter and Tristan grabbed ahold of Robby and slammed him up against a tree and rapped a rope around him holding him onto the tree. He was facing me and it looked as if he had tears starting in his eyes. He held anger, sorrow, and hate.
He looked me I'm the eyes and mouthed "I'm sorry" and tried to struggle with the ropes that's being tied.
Alec turned towards me with that smirk that never seems to find a way off his face.
I struggled more hooding that the rope with become lose, but there was no hope.
Alec started walking my way with a laugh and said
"Now the fun can begin"
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Bí ẩn / Giật gânIt was just an ordinary day, skye was walking home from school when two strange figures blocked her path while another came up behind her. Later on she realized not even her closest friends can hold her trust. Please give this story a chance. I'm n...