What a day...

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You looked at you father in shocked
"What did you say" you said in shock
"You heard me you are going to marry Jungkook" he said so coldly
You looked at jungkook he looked at with you with no emotion.
You sat back in your chair and thinking about everything that you have to marry a man that you don't even know
"That you Don't even love"
You sit there in silents
"So why do I have to marry him" you said with a tear rolling down you cheek.

"Because I arranged it so on your 20TH birthday you will be engaged to the next head mafia boss " your father said

"So you are saying that you arrange an engagement for my 20th birthday to marry a man that I don't even love are you kidding me and it's for business you are using me for your business I thought you don't want me involved with your business!!" you said


You looked at him in disbelief
"So Mrs.kim will you marry my son" Mr.jeon said
You looked at him and then looked at jungkook he was already looking at you and you looked back towards your dad.
"Well it's forced I don't have a choice" you said

You sat back in your chair, Mr.jeon smiled Jungkook just smirked at you "well we will discuss the marriage tomorrow together" Mr.Jeon said. I got up and walked out the door I felt ever emotion at this point I got to the car and sat there and waited for my dad to get in the car.

"Well Mr.jeon it was a great dinner thank you for having us" your father said
"Oh it is my pleasure to have you all especially my
Future daughter in law.."mr.jeon said
My father got in the car and looked at me I just looked out the window

POV at the Jeons house
"So what do you think about y/n" Mr.jeon asked jungkook
"She is pretty , young , has a nice body " he smirked
"Jungkook she is not just a toy to be messed around with!? She is your soon to be wife ,you will protect her, possibly love her, have kids with her" your dad said
"Dad come on you know I don't believe in love" you said
" yes son I do know you and you had sex with that stripper again, son I already told you to stop that" your dad said

" Dad I can do whatever I want to do I could have sex with anyone I want to have sex with she doesn't own me I own her , she is my property" i said . My dad rolled his eyes " alright son good night" he said.

" night dad" and you left

Back to y/n pov:

We got home I walked towards my room didn't talk to anybody. I sat on my bed and wrote in my note book about what happened today . I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a oversized T-shirt and looked at the picture of my mom "Only if you were here mom everything will be different" you said and cried your self to sleep.

Next morning;
You woke up and you looked outside and smiled .On how pretty it was outside . You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror all you can see is your red puffy eyes and your swollen lips and your messy hair you just looked at yourself you smiled to yourself and said, "it's ok everything will be ok you will get married and hope he is not cold to you," you did your morning routine and put on a cozy outfits and did your hair and you put on your everyday jewelry.

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"Y/N Let's go!!" your dad yelled You walk downstairs and went to the car you just looked out the window

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"Y/N Let's go!!" your dad yelled
You walk downstairs and went to the car you just looked out the window .
"We are here sir , your driver said .We got out the car I looked at the Jeons mansion . My father knock on the door Mr.jeon opened the door "Oh you guys are early come in come in" I walked in after my father.
"Well y/n how are you doing" Mr.Jeon asked
" I'm fine" you said weakly
" let start planning come to the living room" you sat down.
"So what do you look for when you get married" Mr.jeon asked
" Umm I don't want a church wedding I'm not a fan of those wedding but ,I do want my father to walk me down the aisle i like the vintage, elegant wedding "you said " I heard the door open
Jungkook you are home early" Mr.jeon said

Jungkook pov:
" Yeah Im home early" I see y/n on the couch i smirked and walk to the couch and sat next to her " so what are we talking about."
" Your wedding day plans and what she will like on her wedding day" Mr.jeon answered him
"Oh ok" he said
After we talked about the wedding plans
I felt jungkook put his hand on my thigh I looked at him and pushed his hand off of me and tried to scoot over but he grabbed me by my waist and sat me next to him and grabbed me by my face and said
"Don't you ever push me away ever again understand I am your fiancé you belong to me" he Said coldly

You looked at him with your brown Eyes into his cold ones you put your hand on his wrist that is still on your face.
"Yes I understand" I said he took his hand away from my face , he still put his hand in my thigh I just looked down.
Are parents watched the whole thing and said nothing I looked at him he was still angry I just looked away form him.

"Alright, where are we going to live after are wedding day" Jungkook said
" I already have a house you guys will love after the honeymoon" my father said
I widened my eyes and just think that I have to give myself to this man that is your soon to be husband.
He smirked at me and whisper in my ear "Are you nervous love don't be I will be gentle if you want me to" he said while rubbing up my thigh
"please stop" you whisper
" You don't tell me what to do" he said
"We have to go , let's go y/n" your dad said
you left

Please comment if you like it plz and thank you.

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now