Vampire King Kion And Vampire Queen Rani attack Their friends

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After Vampire King Kion and Vampire Queen Rani took their break The Vampire tells them that they have to attack their friends and they won't be happy but if they don't the will bite them on their necks again then they did not argue so they are doing what The Vampire says.

The Vampire: Ok so you guys will be getting an Assignment
Vampire King Kion: What's the Assignment
Vampire Queen Rani: Yeah what type of an Assignment
The Vampire: those are good Questions the Assignment is that you guys will have to attack your friends
Vampire King Kion And Queen Rani: WHAT!! We can't do that they are our Friends
The Vampire: Well you have to if you don't I will suck your blood again
Vampire King Kion and Queen Rani: Ok ok we will do it
The Vampire: Good let's go

After that little talk they went to attack The Guard and The Night Pride.

The Vampire: Ok there are your friends you guys ready to attack
Vampire King Kion: uh yeah I guess
Vampire Queen Rani: Yeah I guess to
The Vampire: Don't worry you will live
Vampire King Kion And Queen Rani: Ok

After that talk they went to see their friends but they recognize them until they see the mark on their foreheads They ask them what happened to them but they didn't really say anything about what happened then they started to get physical and start to attack them and getting their blood.

The Guard: Guys what happened to you guys
The Night Pride: Yeah what happened to you guys you two look pale
Vampire King Kion: It's nothing
Vampire Queen Rani: Yeah we are fine

(The Vampire puts a spell on them that makes them get physical and they attack their friends)

we are not going to show that part because it might get to violence and a lot of killing.

A couple of minutes later the The Guard was unconscious and so was The Night Pride there was blood everywhere.

The Vampire: Awesome job you two
Vampire King Kion and Queen Rani: Thanks
The Vampire: see I told you guys it wasn't so bad wasn't it
Vampire King Kion and Queen Rani: No it wasn't that bad
The Vampire: So as an Award you guys can keep sucking the blood off of them for as long as you want they will be dead and they won't turn into vampires
Vampire King Kion and Queen Rani: Yes more blood here we go (starts to suck blood)

While Vampire King Kion and Queen Rani were sucking blood off of their friends and they were really really happy that they were gone.

King Kion And Queen Rani get turned into Vampires Where stories live. Discover now