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March 21th, 2020
First attempt

Sometimes I get overwhelmed. By really small things.
It doesn't have to be anything major like a lot of work or stress. No, sometimes I just stop for a second and get so overwhelmed by my own emotions that I know I have to do something to occupy my mind with.
When it comes to that point I go for a walk. So what I'm doing right now is nothing out of routine for me. I reach for my black purse that is laying on the kitchen counter and stuff my apartment keys inside. My phone is already in the back pocket of my jeans, so I only grab my coat and a scarf before I slam the door shut and make my way down the stairs. I live in a big apartment complex on the 8th floor, so the missing elevator could be considered a crime. Once I make it out of the building and inhale the cool winter air I start to feel more calm.
My feet move on their own because I always have the same destination on my walks.

I think the constant rush big cities seem to be in is fascinating. My mum used to tell me it would annoy me some day, but I'm still waiting for that to happen. The loud car honks, the different conversation of all the people on the sidewalk. In scenarios like this you realise how big the world really is and what little part you're playing. One tiny fish amongst a whole sea of them.

I spot him immediately after I turn around the corner. He's working his midday shift as usual. The same black apron wrapped around his midriff. A smile erupts on my face as I cross the street and open the door to the café that is full with customers. No one hears the bell ringing that announces my entrance.
I look around and spot an empty seat near the back. After draping my coat over the chair I take place and put the loose strands of my hair behind my ears. He likes when I wear it like that. At least that's what Tony said, who is making his way towards me in this moment.
„What a surprise to see you here!" he exclaims with a chuckle. „Are you going to say something today or are we still on the whole staring thing" he continues to mock me.
„Funny. Be a dear and get me a coffee." I plead.
Tony laughs again and turns on his heels to get me my order.
I cross my legs and take out my phone to see that my mum tried to call me earlier. But before I could even think about calling her back I feel eyes on me.
I look up and his gaze automatically catches mine. And that was when the world stopped. There was nothing besides his big green orbs and that is exactly the reason why I come here when everything gets too much. Because right now I don't have a single thought clouding my mind. Not one. The only thing present is the feeling of immense contentment in my chest. I don't think I will ever get enough of him.
We are both brought back to reality when the customer he is serving starts swearing because his drink overflowed.
He just kept pouring the orange juice into the customer's glass while looking at me and abruptly stops and apologises when he realised what he was doing.
I couldn't help but laugh at his clumsiness. Situations like this happened quite often, but no one was ever really angry at him, he was too much of a sweetheart for that.
„You know he has been asking about you right?" I flinch when Tony appears behind me with my coffee in his hand and a big grin plastered on his face.
I roll my eyes and take my beverage from him.
„Hun, I'm serious. He has been working here for months! And you come here once everyday minimum! End all of our suffering and talk. It's obvious you both like each other!" he holds this speech every time and by now he is really frustrated with the both of us.
„Maybe" I give him my standard answer and turn my attention to the man behind Tony again. He finished cleaning up his mess and is scratching his neck nervously while still talking to his customer.

I spend the next two hours in the café and plan out what I had ahead of me tomorrow. Winter break is almost over, which means I would have to run some errands to get a few things for college. It also means that I wouldn't be able to come here as often as I would like anymore. This thought makes a frown appear on my face.
I sigh before leaving some money on the table, grabbing my purse and coat and heading outside.
One day I would talk to him. I knew that. I just didn't know when that day would come.
It's not even because I'm afraid of talking to him. I just have this picture of him painted in my head and I'm afraid of ruining it. What if he isn't all that? What if he's actually a douche? So much could go wrong and I wasn't in the right mindset for a disappointment.
„Hey!" I had only done a few steps outside of the café, when I hear the voice. I stood still for a second and then slowly turn around. „I'm Adam." And there he stands. A few feet away from me with a hopeful look on his gorgeous face. And in that moment I just hoped he would live up to my expectations. „Julia." I smile at him.

He was so much more than I had imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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