2. First Practice

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"Junhyuk, go! Your going to be late, here's your lunch- don't skip it!" Win's mom yelled while shoving a lunch bag into his chest. She opened the door and gave him a shove but then paused for a moment, her hands on her heart. "Oh my little Idol.." she started to tear up as he hugged her.
"Eomma, it's only practice.." he tries to pull back from her kisses. She finally let go and waved at him. Win started to walk off to his first practice with his first debut group. He was going to meet his life- long friends.

Win makes his way to practice and walks in. He sees Castle J and thinks to himself "H-he's cute.." he kinda shakes his head and thinks "n-no! I'm not gay... there's no way..." It was just him and Castle J in the room so he approached him. He paused when Castle J made eye contact with him. "Nope," Win mumbles as he turns around to the opposite direction. He pretends to not see that Castle J was still staring at him across the room. He does so until he sees 3 younger boys and an older man walk in. That must be his group and his manager! Win gains back confidence and goes to introduce himself. He stands up strait and starts to talk," Greetings. My name is Bang Junhyuk. My alias is Win." His voice lighter than usual to sound more polite. He's practiced those sentences in the bathroom mirror for weeks. They all look at him smiling and one of them says, "There's no need to be so formal." They laugh a little because of how tense he was.
The one who commented on Win's formalness introduced himself,"Hey, I'm Nam Sungmin. Call me BIC." He does a little hand shake with Win and flashed a big, perfect smile. Castle J then introduced himself to all the group. BIC, Minjae, and Huijun had already introduced themselves to each other before getting to the room. Castle J ran his fingers through his hair,"Hi, it's Son Seongjun, or Castle J. If I like you- you may call me CJ," he was looking down but he then lifted his head to view everyone. He scanned through the group and stopped at Win, giving him a smirk. Win blushed and looked down.
Someone patted Win's shoulder so Win looked up, a little startled. The person yelled,"Hello Win! I'm Song Minjae and this is No Huijun. Call us by our first names. We were friends beforehand so it's pretty cool being in the same group." He says gesturing to Huijun. Win goes to shake their hand and greet them. After Minjae, he went to greet Huijun. He shook his hand and tried to pull back but Huijun wasn't letting go. Win looked up from their hands and saw Huijun gazing into his eyes. They stood there for a few seconds until Huijun let go. "Im.. uh- sorry!.." Huijun scratched the back of his head. All the band mates chuckled and shoved each other at the sight. Castle J didn't say anything. He just stared at Win's red face the whole time. Everyone stops laughing and an awkward silence comes over them.
The manager finally speaks,"So, MCND, I am your manager. Call me Mr. Kim," Everyone nods and bows. "Today is your first practice. It won't be too productive because you guys are just meeting, but- I expect lots of effort. Your dance instructor will be coming in shortly. I'll see you guys after. Bond please!" Mr. Kim checked his watch and left the room in a hurry. Before he was out the door he yelled,"If you guys are late to more than 3 practices and it isn't excused, you're out of the group. Remember to always be on time!" He then dashes off. "So bossy, yet so irresponsible."Castle J mumbles. Finally, the dance instructor came in. She was beautiful. BIC's jaw practically touched the floor. Everyone was kind of surprised. She was carrying a bag and BIC ran over to help her with it.

When the group started to rehearse, the instructor was dancing in front of the group, facing the mirror. "Great, this won't distract us at all." Win thinks. 30 or more minutes in, Win had caught Huijun looking at him for the 5th time. Maybe he just needed help with dancing or something. He was planning to ask if he needed help with anything after practice. Castle J was placed right behind the teacher. Win couldn't help but notice he was staring at her butt the whole time. "What a pig.." he mumbled to himself as he went to go drink water. He gulped all the water down with his eyes closed, not knowing that he finished it all. He looked at the empty bottle, putting it upside down to try to get all the water he could. He pouted as he went to throw the bottle away. He returned back and saw Huijun next to his bag. "Here you go Win," he handed him an ice- cold water bottle. Win jumped in happiness and ran over to get it,"Thanks Huijun!" Huijun smiles,"Your little pout was so cute," Win blushes at the comment.
He then took off the cap and was considering asking Huijun if he needed any help with dancing. "Hey um.. you kept looking at me during practice. Do you need any help with the dance moves? I think I have them down, I can help you later." Huijun didn't need any help. He was one of the best dancers on the team. But he saw this as an opportunity to get to know Win,"Yes! Thank you! I really need the help," he smiled at Win. They then started to talk a little while the dance instructor was talking to BIC. Castle J came walking towards them, looking hot as always. He comes between Win and Huijun,"Hey guys, so I need a favor..."

Hi guys! Thank you for reading! Leave any suggestions on what you think should happen next. We're open to anything!
- i_purple_yu and dinolizziebae

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