Cold fear and warm friendships

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The city of Atlas is a place that Weiss is all too familiar. At one point, she would have praised this metropolitan she called home. Even to go as far as to say that it was the best kingdom in Remnant. Times have now changed for the young huntress. She would only think of how cruel and unfair this kingdom was to the world around them and its people. The poor conditions of the inhabitants of Mantle the Faunus discrimination across Solitas, and the political ongoing that's causing the other kingdoms to become more agitated by their actions. The dust embargo was the height of this kingdom's atrocities, but maybe it won't be for long.

Today, Weiss didn't want to think about any of those past events and just wanted to enjoy herself with the boys. After all, it is their night off from duty. So she would try to make the best of it even though her choice of activity isn't exactly her cup of tea.

Weiss stepped out of the dormitory to meet up with Jaune and Oscar. The boys looked at her direction, and Jaune began to smile at the sight of her. The thought of going to the movies with the girl he once crushed on made his heart skip a beat, "So Weiss, you ready to go?" He sounded a little more upbeat than usual. Weiss knew why, "Yup, let's get going." It was nice to be off duty, for once she admitted to herself as she stood next to her two friends, she had to be honest. "Honestly, it's refreshing to be away from my team for once," She took a glance at both Jaune and Oscar with a soft smile, "Just don't make me regret my choice," she said jokingly. Squinting at them but keeping her smile while Oscar was quick to put his hands up, "Oh no. That's the last thing we want to do! Especially Jaune, trust me." She looked at Jaune. Her face relaxed, "I know." Looking into her warm blue eyes, Jaune knew that Weiss saw him differently now. He felt obligated to give her a good time because she deserved it. With that, the trio began their night off as they started walking to their destination.

Walking through the clean and colorful streets of Atlas, the trio talked about their training, telling jokes, and, more importantly, what movie they wanted to see. Weiss and Jaune were laughing at the stories that Oscar had with his aunt. His aunt would tell him to wash the dishes, but the faucet broke, and of course, she knew that. As the young, naïve farm boy he was, he went to do the chore turning on the faucet, and the water splashed onto his face and wetting his clothes in the process. His aunt started laughing, even almost falling out of her rocking chair. Oscar would, in turn, start laughing; he had learned to laugh at himself from time to time. He hopes to be able to see his aunt again soon.

Weiss looked beside her to the farm boy and said, "Wow, I never knew you had such a great relationship with your aunt, Oscar." She wishes she had that kind of relationship with her family. If anything, the closest thing she had to something like that would be Klein, and that was good enough for her. Oscar looked at Weiss with an almost somber expression, "You never asked." He turns his head forward and continued to walk. Both Jaune and Weiss looked at each other with a confused expression.

Then it clicked. Weiss put her hand on Oscar's shoulder, "I know we have not had the time to get to know you, but we want to let you know that we want you to feel free to talk to us if anything is troubling you, any of us." Oscar didn't say anything. Of course, he knew he could talk to anyone of them about anything on his mind. What made him feel left out is that he never had any form of bonding with anyone besides his aunt. Team RWBY and what remains of team JNPR all had time to create those bonds before Salem decided to make her move but not him. Oscar began to look at the ground as he walked, falling behind the pair as they continued onward.

Looking behind her, Weiss knew she couldn't just leave the boy like this. She wanted to make him feel like he was a part of the group. She pulled out her scroll to check the time, and it was a little pass, 6:00 PM, "Jaune!" She called out to the knight, who was walking a bit ahead of her. He turned around to look at her, "Yeah?" Weiss walked up next to him, "Do you know at what time the movies start?" Jaune had to think about it for a few seconds. Frankly, Jaune remembered more the movie titles than the time. In reality, he was more concerned about Oscar. Jaune says, "I think they start at 7:00 PM. Why?" She looked back at Oscar, who had stopped to look through a window of a weapons shop. Weiss contemplated her next choice of words, "I want to start to make a bond with him. Besides you, Ren, Nora, and Ruby, me, Blake, and Yang haven't talked to him. I can tell he wants to be our friend, too, not just another vessel for Ozpin." Jaune started to scratch the back of his head; slight embarrassment lingered over him.

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