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A/N - Hello~ I hope everyone has been doing well! I'm sorry this is a short update even though I've been gone for a while. My schedule has been packed to the brim (how much I miss sleep rip), but because of this virus outbreak I have found some time to write! I hope everyone is keeping themselves safe and healthy during this time. Please stay safe everyone!!! With that note, I hope you enjoy this (if not the most) important chapter of Selection Day. Enjoy :D

“Woah. Your office keeps on getting bigger and bigger.” Namjoon muttered as he took in the room with astonishment.

They entered a grand spacious room that could easily be confused with a banquet hall. Historical paintings were hung on each wall that showed portraits of past rulers and others that simply had sceneries. Seokjin looked around until his eyes gazed over fondly to the painting down the room, the one that hung over the King’s work desk. It was a painting of the King and Seokjin's mother, a replica of a photograph they had taken on their wedding day. The King and Seokjin both silently agreed that it was the best painting in the room.

Meanwhile, Namjoon had quickly glanced over the paintings before he admired the extremely large wall of books. They were on a bookshelf that outstretched an entire wall side of the room. Namjoon was always a bookworm so it was difficult for him to look away.

If it hadn't been for Yoongi, he was sure he would have stared at it for another five minutes.

“What's wrong, Yoongi-ah?” Namjoon softly asked when the boy began to squirm and whine in his arms.

Seokjin and the King turned around at the sound of the two. Yoongi was trying to squirm out of Namjoon's arms while he stared longingly to one corner of the room. Seokjin followed his intense look until he realized what his baby wanted.

The King chuckled. “The little prince found his toys so quick.” He said rather amused.

Namjoon and Seokjin finally noticed an array of different toys that sat on a fancy rug. There were wooden blocks and wooden toy cars. Stuffed teddy bears and picture books. There wasn't much but it was enough to get any baby excited for. Their little prince was apparently no exception.

They were traditional old fashioned toys. A pile of wooden blocks were stacked on one corner with their matching wooden crafted cars sitting next to them. A warm cuddly beige bear sat on the rug, a smile on its slumped body. They matched the aesthetic of the royal place, just like how everything did.

“Okay, okay. Go play.” Namjoon teased with a smile when Yoongi began to whine and lean his head back so he can be let go. The second he was put on his two feet, Yoongi grabbed onto the edge of a wooden cabinet. His grip tightened as he attempted to find his balance, but a second later he took a shaky step forward with his eyes never leaving the rug. 

Despite it being the reason that Yoongi slipped into his headspace in the first place, Seokjin and Namjoon became afraid Yoongi would get hurt if he attempted to walk again. After they made sure Yoongi was comfortable in his headspace, they began teaching the baby how to walk. It was a very slow process since he was rather small in his headspace, but after many trial and (t)errors, Yoongi could at least walk a bit if he held onto someone or something. It wasn’t much, but they weren’t expecting so much while Yoongi was still so little. Like this, Seokjin and Namjoon could at least not get a heart attack whenever Yoongi tried to walk.

Seokjin fondly watched as Yoongi’s gummy smile grew wider once he was closer to his destination. Once near the rug, the baby let go of the cabinet and decided to crawl over the rest of the way. He quickly grabbed one of the toy cars and hit it against the premade stacked tower of blocks. He laughed when they all fell over and his eyes scrunched into half moons. He began to make the quietest ‘vroom’ noises as he drove the car on the rug. Seokjin and Namjoon’s heart melted right then and there.

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