7: Confrontation

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Izumi: short? chapter sorry! i couldn't figure out how to lengthen it 😔



"'What did I do wrong?' you say?!" I snapped at him. Luckily, no one was around the shoe lockers. Out of frustration, tears formed and fell from my eyes. I would have looked away from him, embarrassed that I was crying, but right now, I don't care.

Yuuji then released his grasp on me and stepped back a little, fear was evident on his face. "(N/n), calm do-" "Shut up, Yuuji!" I shouted as I felt more tears forming.

"Am I not enough for you?"

On with Chapter 7:


Yuuji kept quiet, thinking what he had done wrong. Has he still not noticed who he sent the messages to until now? Did he not realize why (r/n) hadn't replied him or something?

..Is he really that stupid?

"You must be confused about I'm talking about, right?" I asked, not really needing an answer, but he nodded to the question anyways.

"Well then, " I took out my phone from my (pocket/bag), "explain this." I showed him the messages and photo on my phone that I received a few days ago in the middle of the night.

He brought his face nearer to my phone and skimmed through the messages before stopping at the photo. His eyes then widened when he saw the picture of him and (r/n).

"Where did you get that photo?" he asked, bewildered and in disbelief, as his eyes moved back and forth from looking at the phone screen and me.

"Where else? Look at the sender's name." I said.

He looked back at my phone and his eyes widened upon seeing the contact name and realization on why I had the photo.

Yuuji💕 was the sender's contact name.

"(N/n).. Oh no.. Please (N/n), I-I don't know what had happened. I went to a party that night, I drank a lot, and-and the rest flew by!" he tried to explain himself, but it was obviously a lie judging by how he acted towards (r/n) and me before the party and his messages.

"Stop lying Terushima. I can clearly read and it says "(Y/n) does not need to know. She's too innocent for this." ." I read out word for word with a clear voice.

He just started at me with wide eyes and an agape mouth. He gulped before saying, "Please (N/n), I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"I won't do it again I promise!" he added and at this point, he was begging on his knees for me to forgive him, but I have already made up my mind long ago.

"Goodbye and don't talk to me again, Terushima-san." I said coldly before turning on my heel and leaving the school.

As cold as I (tried) to look on the outside, it actually hurt me a lot on the inside. My heart ached, I was barely able to hold in my tears and my throat felt itchy.

'How could he do this? Why would he do this? Is this all a joke? Was our relationship real in the first place? Did he even love me?' Thoughts were flying in my head as I walked away without breaking down then and there. 

As I left, I heard Yu- I mean Terushima's cries echoing around the almost empty school campus.

I can feel my legs slowly losing its strength as I fastened my pace despite wanting to look back and comfort him, because I still love him.


Izumi: rip Terushima

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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