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THERE'S WATER EVERYWHERE. I take a deep breath, listen to the quick thump-thump of my heart, wait until it beats in time with the current. A forest of kelp surrounds me on all sides, slippery tendrils quivering in the deep indigo darkness. When I stretch out my arms my fingers flick through rising bubbles, and I pretend that they're stars, reaching down to draw me up, up, up—the shadows rip past me—

I break surface, gasping in mouthfuls of air. The waves keep coming—I count one, two, three before throwing myself backwards, landing on a shadowy swell as it surges towards shore. A pause; the seas tug me back, moving against me, trying to pull me away. Not tonight, I coax. It's Jem's birthday. Take me home...

The ocean is molten silver in this sunset glow, brightly shimmering, gorgeous. I could stay here forever, but I wasn't lying about the birthday; thankfully the waters relent, swirling gently as I swim for the beach.

Winter chill engulfs me as soon as I step out of the surf; in an instant all the salt water dripping from my body seems to turn to ice. I scramble for the bag I'd left on the rocks, pull out a towel, and wrap myself in it, trying to wring the water out of my hair. I'm shivering so much that it's hard to pull on my sweatpants.

My phone flashes with missed texts.

Don't stay out for too long today!
We all have to be back before your brothers.
I'm getting started now.
Where are you?

She's been planning a feast this whole week. Secretly, I'm glad that she's had this distraction; she hasn't been the same since Uncle Evan's funeral. Dad and I had to pull every trick we could think of to keep Jem and Dennis out of the loop, and, today, away from the house. Speaking of which...

got the twins, we're going to my place
where are you? I can't stall for much longer

He'd sent that last text over twenty minutes ago. I pull a hoodie over my head, shrug on my backpack, and text back as I jog towards the road.

sorry, was distracted.
are they still there?

My breaths make white puffy clouds, but slowly, I warm up. The beach crunches with every step; the sound seems to reverberate in this still air. Beneath my feet, sandy rocks are soon replaced by hard concrete, and twigs and rocks, and prickly vegetation missing their usual green foliage.

Where are u?? The cake is ready!

leaving the beach now!!

yum, I'm hungry

Your brothers get first cut! And stay on the road!

This is Dad. Are you cutting through the woods? Be careful. It is dark out.

yeah, I know, don't worry. I'll be back in 10ish.


I think your mother is too busy with the cake to worry. Hurry home. :)

A buzz—Ash is writing back.

they've just left

okay. thanks!!


I'm about to put my phone away when it buzzes again.

what's up?

I'm on my way back home.

The "SEEN" message pops up, then my phone rings. "Hey, Ash," I say, ignoring a sudden, overexcited thump-THUMP in my chest.

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