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yoonseok || Fly High || ©Lin995 || ao3

warning: boy x boy || airplanes
top: yoongi
bottom: hoseok


(im sorry)


"You nervous?" Yoongi asked, glancing over at a very tense Hoseok. He was currently clutching the armrests on either side of his seat, and they hadn't even taken off yet – still cruising on the runway. Yoongi had never watched anyone pay such great attention to the safety demonstration by a flight attendant before.

"Gee, what gave you that idea?" Hoseok asked sarcastically, but Yoongi could hear the strain in his voice.

"Don't be such a scaredy-cat," Yoongi taunted, prying one of Hoseok's hands off the armrest so he could hold it. They were sitting at the back of the plane, Hoseok by the window and Yoongi in the middle seat. Luckily, no one was on their other side so they had some slight privacy.

"Fear of flying is legitimate," Hoseok protested, "Don't make fun of me."

"I'm not making fun of you, baby," Yoongi laughed, giving Hoseok's hand a squeeze.

"Yeah you are," Hoseok groaned. "You're enjoying this, you sadistic asshole."

"Wow, here I am trying to hold your hand and make you feel better, and you're going to cuss me out?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Give me my hand back." He let go of Hoseok's hand, but Hoseok held on to it with a death-grip. "C'mon, Seok, I'm a sadistic asshole, right?" Yoongi tried to shake off Hoseok's hold.

"Hyung," Hoseok whined, "Please."

"Oh, I'm 'hyung' now?" Yoongi continued to tease, but he again held Hoseok's hand.

"I'm going to murder Jimin and Jungkook," Hoseok murmured. "Why the fuck did they have to pick a destination wedding?"

"So, I'm taking it you wouldn't want one for ourselves one day?" Yoongi joked, nudging Hoseok's shoulder with his own. "Cause big metal birds are too frightening for you?"

"If you continue being a jackass, there's no way I'd ever marry you," Hoseok retorted, although there was a small smile on his face. Unfortunately, at that moment the plane began to speed up as the captain's voice boomed to announce that they were going to begin take-off. Hoseok let out a small squeak, releasing the other armrest to grab hold of Yoongi's hand with both of his. He shut his eyes and got closer to his boyfriend, curled into Yoongi's side.

"Hey, Seokie," he heard Yoongi's voice, low and soothing. "Baby, it's okay. I'm right here. Hyung's right here for you."

Hoseok let out a small whimper, the air pressure making his stomach sink as they were lifted into the air. He clutched onto Yoongi's arm and hugged it tightly, small sounds of fear emerging from his chest.

Yoongi looked at him sadly – as much as he teased Hoseok, he hated seeing him truly afraid or uncomfortable. "Seokie, baby," he cooed, reaching with his spare arm (that wasn't being crushed in an iron grip) to lightly caress Hoseok's cheek. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Hoseok's forehead. He then gave a small kiss on Hoseok's nose, before pressing his lips against Hoseok's – which were pursed into a hard line and tense. He kept his lips against Hoseok's for a few seconds, before slowly moving them against Hoseok's, darting his tongue out and nudging and swiping at Hoseok's closed mouth. Gradually, he felt Hoseok's lips relax, until they finally parted and Yoongi gently let his tongue trace the inside of Hoseok's mouth, licking at the roof, coaxing Hoseok's own tongue to engage as well.

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