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Sorry for the spelling errors.

I stare out the window. It's kind of dreary outside, there is a light layer of snow covering the street. I look up only to see tall buildings looking down at me. I never expected to go to New York for school. My father a CEO for GE wasn't to happy with my last private school so he decide to send me to boarding school. I wasn't at all that thrilled leaving my friends but am slightly excited to be in the big Apple. I can't help but be amazing by this giant city. I guess the chauffeur had been driving for years cause it didn't seem to phase him at all. Based off the white hair growing in patches I'd say he's lived here for awhile. He continues drive a little out of town until we see a large brass gate engraved "Léman international" in big fancy letters. The gate opened slowly and I felt my heart drop from the nervousness. Once the car came to a stop the chauffeur handed me my bags. I felt engulfed by the colossal stone structure in front of me that I hadn't even noticed the lady beside me. When she spoke it knocked me out of my trance. "Welcome to Léman you are indeed Mrs. Hemsworth?" I just nod and she continues. "Well in that case here is your class schedule. All the class rooms are in wing A. Your dorm will be in wing C. I will take you to your room and from there your roommate will finished giving the tour". Once again I nod. She begins walking in a fast pace to wing C and I try to keep up with her. She stopped at the end of the hallway and handed me the key and disappeared without another word. I unlocked the door and walk in only to become face to face with some boy. I stepped way only for him to smirk and turn to the bed in the corner of the room which a girl sat. They looked surprisingly happy when she saw me. She stood up and walk up next to the boy and said " Hi I guess your my new roommate. My name is Mary and this here is Danny. Your name is Amanda right?".
I nod. Then walk to the empty bed a s I place my stuff next to my nightstand. I hear Danny and Mary whispering but I'm only able to catch every other word. "Danny I want you... I know how you are.." I sit down on my bed and look at them. Danny nods whispers something in her ear and hugs her. "Bye, nice meeting you Amanda" he winks and leaves the room. Mary plops down on my bed " I know I just met you and Danny my best friend but I'm telling you stay away from him cause he's only going to get you in trouble." I just nod and she sat up and started walking to the door. "Come on I need to show you around and introduce you to some of my friends." Were walking out of wing C and me and Mary are talking about where were from and she told me which building is which. "Wing A is the actual school, B is the boys dorms, C is the girls dorm of course, D is where the cafeteria, gym, game room and lots of other fun rooms" she turned and looked at me. " you don't really say much do you?"
" I'm sorry I'm just really tired and a little over whelmed by all of this."
"Oh I'm sorry well I have to meet up with some friends you know your way back right?"
"Yeah thanks"
"All right I'll see you later at dinner." Mary says as she walks away.
I got a little confused getting to my dorm but I was so glad when I made it. I finished putting my thing way and laid down on my bed. I knew I was tried but I didn't think I was that tried. Once I got all curled up in bed I look around my room . I'll be staying in for the rest of my years of high school. It was smaller then I was use to but I'm glad I was put in a end dorm. Plus Mary was really nice and Danny seemed nice even though Mary says he isn't. I think I might actually like it here.
I woke up and Mary still wasn't there. I grabbed my phone I had a couple of messages from my best friends Annie an Alexia wishing me the best. There was also a message from Kyle! Kyle has been my crush for awhile. He is tall with gorgeous big brown eyes that always make me melt. Why is he would he be texting me?!
Kyle: Hey :)
Me: Hey;) so what's up?
Kyle: Well I'm bored at home wishing you didn't leave.
Me: why?
Kyle: I miss hanging out with you and your smile when ever Id say something stupid .
Me: I miss you too! We always had a great time together. ;)
Kyle: I wish I would of been able to say goodbye to you. Only if it weren't for football practice you would of gonna a proper goodbye.
Me: yeah? What would you have done?
Kyle: I'd kiss you. And tell you that I've liked you for a long time and really wish you wouldn't move..
Me: really?
He replied back quickly.
Kyle: yeah your beautiful, and amazing and I've always liked you.
He's lying.
Me: what happened with you and Ashley?
Kyle: why are you bringing her up nothing happened?
Me: Obviously something must of happen did she reject you again?
Kyle: no!
Me: Kyle just be honest! You always do this!
Kyle: fine yeah.
Me: bye I gotta go.
Kyle: but I do like you.
Me: yeah until you see her tomorrow and kiss her ass. Bye.

I really didn't understand why I like him. He but he frustrates me so much. Ugh! I looked at the time it's 6 pm! I'm gonna miss lunch I got dress in my uniform and left. When I got to the cafeteria I spotted Marry in the corner and joined her.
"Hey Amanda! Everyone Amanda. This is Jay also known as JJ, Khole, Cassy, Dylan, and you know Danny." They all wave and smile. Danny move over so I could sit next to him but I decided to take Mary's advice and sat next to JJ instead. Danny and Mary had a little stare down which was a little awkward. But Khole broke the awkwardness by asking me about my old school.
"It wasn't at all like this. It was a lot smaller and we didn't have uniforms either. Although this school is amazing compared to my last the other was a home away from home."
"Wow that's so deep" said Dylan causing us all to look at him. JJ leaned in a whispered "he's high all the time so don't really pay mind to him."
Soon a waiter came and took are orders and looked over at Danny. He wouldn't look at me or Mary. I guess he must be mad at the both of us. I just started school and I already have some mad at me great. The rest of dinner was nice until the end. JJ and Khole wanted Mary and I to hang out in the Game room. Mary asked Danny to join in but he gave her a stern look and pulled her away from the group. Khole and JJ just acted like nothing was going on but of course I was ease dropping.
"What did you tell Amanda?"
" I told her to stay way from you cause you'll cause her trouble. So I thought she deserved a warning cause I say the way you looked at her when she walked into the room"
"What? How did I look at her?!"
"You looked at her they you look at every slut at this school! Like a sex object!"
JJ and Khole both gave each other shocked and they both at Mary and Danny.
They continued arguing noticing we were all staring at them.
"Ugh Mary!! Why do you always have to do this!"
"Because I know how you are I was once like Amanda. The you had other intention with. "
"I'm done arguing with you!"
Danny storms off with out another word.
Mary just stood watching Danny walk away. JJ went up to her and asked if she was alright. Mary shook here head and JJ decided to take her back to the dorm. Khole and me were left in middle of the cafeteria with everyone staring.
Khole grabbed my hand and quickly walked me out of wing D.

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