Chapter 34

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"This is what you should expect when you tried to escape."

Youngdae's body was fastened with a rope on a broken wooden chair. She was getting to weak and felt helpless. She regretted trying to escape from the place when she knew it was nearly impossible.

Her attempt to make a call failed miserably. Rowoon caught her red-handed, breaking up her phone into pieces with a hammer. Youngdae couldn't sleep at night, she kept on crying because that's the only thing she could afford to do.

Rowoon was having a small talk with Youngdae in the tiny room. She flinched everytime he touched her as she scried for help, begging him to stop.

Youngdae's mouth was sealed with a black tape and it was painful. She couldn't stand it anymore so she pleaded, asking him to take it off. Surprisingly, Rowoon understood for what exactly she wanted him to do and for the first time, he listened to her.

Rowoon took off the tape, throwing it somewhere in the room. They didn't talk. Rowoon was just staring at her with his cigarette while she sobbed quietly on the chair.

"This is getting really boring. I'm sleeping downstairs. See you later, baby girl." Rowoon kissed her forehead. His lips trembled, disgusted by his act.

The door was slammed shut as she heard his footsteps on the staircases, going down just like he said. Youngdae sat there alone, looking at the window. She had no idea what time it was but surely it was noon.

Her eyes roamed across the room, thinking if she could do something. Rowoon never left the room closed with the window wide opened before.

Should I make a try?

If I got caught again, he will end me.

She was about to move a little since her back was hurting. She hissed when she felt a sharp pain on her hand. It came from the back of the wooden chair. It was nearly broken. If she hopped with the chair, it will crash but that will produce a loud noise. Rowoon will hear her.

Youngdae then tried to cut off the rope by using the sharp edge from the chair. It hurted her hands as well since part of it scratched her skin, leaving red marks. She increased the pace, hoping that everything will be fine this time.

It took a long minute and she was all sweaty, her eyes stung when her sweats got into her eyes but she never stopped. She was fully determined to escape.

It's either she die trying or die for nothing.

After what it felt like forever, she was able to break the rope. She wasted no time by taking off the rope that tied up her legs and body. Her her whole body hurt when she made a move. She had been sitting for a week.

The wooden floor made cracky sounds whenever she move so she walked slowly and quietly to the window.

She was on the first floor but luckily it wasn't that high from the ground since it was just a small house. Another thing was that the ground was grassy, it will be less painful if she jumped out.

With no hesitation, Youngdae jumped out from the window and fell on the ground. She shut her eyes tight when she felt some sort of pain going on around her ankle area. It was very painful but she had to run as fast as she could. Everything will be useless if Rowoon saw her.

She dragged herself out from the gate and ran away with her sprained ankle. The edge of her lips were bleeding again. Rowoon hit her once because she spat on his face. He tried to touch her a few times but she knew how to defend herself, even if it cause her to be swollen.

She felt sparks of joy when she saw a few convenient stores across the road. There was a few people staring at her and they definitely looked surprised by her appearance.

Youngdae was too focused with the people, without noticing she was already in the middle of the road.

A car was speeding up and they tried to tell her but she was too happy, her legs hurt from falling so she couldn't move as much anymore.

Too happy that she finally made it.

She's able to escape.

She's free, again.

Oh, how she missed her family.

With just a single blink, she, herself, heard a loud bang. Her head was dizzy and felt heavy. She could see the world spinning and she was confused. She could feel her whole body dropping on the rough surface of the road. She could even taste the blood that keep in dripping and rolling from her head.

And that's when she realised she was hurt. Severely hurt, this time.

Everyone gathered around her but she couldn't focus on anything. Their voices were unclear but she knew they were telling her to stay awake. Her life was at the end of the rope.

God, thank you for letting me free.

Seungyoun threw his fist to the male who was smirking all the time. He was guarded by four police officers as they brought him to the hospital.

The police tried to stop Seungyoun by pulling him away but he couldn't stop. He slammed Rowoon against the cold tiles, punching him rapidly on his face. He caused Rowoon to terribly bleed and could cause the older male to pass out so the police officers quickly pulled him away, threatening him so that he stop. Seungyoun's eyes were red as well as his face.

He had never been so angry. Never.

Dohyon was afraid to approach him but did it anyways. The boy pulled him softly by his arm. Seungyoun's fist clenched, knuckles turning white and yellowish.

"It's fine. It's fine." Mrs.Cho then hugged his son tightly.

Rowoon was about to be guarded away by the officers but were stopped by Taewon.

"You could've been a great father, Rowoon." She said, rubbing her tummy.

"Wㅡwhat?" He asked. They couldn't talk for so long. He was dragged out from their place, leaving the two family. Seungyoun's and Youngdae's.

Jaebum and Yuri were there as well.

"I'm really sorry." Seungyoun fell on his knees, crying hard. A man like him never cried so badly before. Yuri felt pain coming fro her heart. Seungyoun was there, on his knees, crying over a woman.

She had never seen someone like that before. It was too real and genuine. How can a personal be this in love?

"Honey, it will be alright." Mrs. Hwang said, rubbing the back of Seungyoun's body.

"My wife," He said, "She's in there." He said, trying to maintain the stability of his voice but ended up cracking. They were all in front of the the ICU room.

All of them were either calming themselves down or helping Seungyoun to calm down. It never worked.

Jaebum took out something from his pocket. It was a folded paper.

"Seungyoun." He called out.

"From Youngdae."


the next chapter will be a short one since it only contain youngdaes letter. but i will update twice on that day so i guess it's okay :D

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