Suicide [Todobaku]

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A/N: Warning contains self harm, suicide, panic attacks and angst

Bakugo was acting strange.

With the two being put in extra classes together to help them get their provisional licenses, Todoroki would see the ash blonde much more often, and pick up the small things that were changing about him.

Sure, it wasn't noticeable at first, but now he was hiding at every opportunity he had, and always fidgeting, especially with the sleeves of his blazer.

Todoroki wanted to get to the bottom of this, so when the two were walking back to the dorms after extra afterschool classes, the icyhot boy cornered him and placed his lips on Bakugo's.

"Fuck, someone could've seen us," he hissed, quickly checking if anyone else was around, but they were alone.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

Bakugo looked back at him with an odd expression on his face. Almost like surprise. He was silent for a while, finally replying with a simple shrug.

"Hey," Shoto whispered, placing a kiss on Katsuki's forehead. "You know I love you, right?"

Katsuki swallowed thickly, chewing his bottom lip, before nodding slightly.

"Good," he continued, as the ash blonde pulled himself away and continued trudging over to the school dorms, leaving Shoto alone.


"Let's play a quick game of truth or dare!"

The room erupted into cheers as the class gathered around in the dorms. It was a late Friday evening, so the class had decided to spend some time as a whole. Todoroki hadn't spoken much to Bakugo after their last encounter, he continued to hide himself, so he was surprised when he saw him curled up on one of the sofas looking at his phone and not in his dorm.

Shoto tried to catch his eye, send a smile his way, anything to make it feel like they weren't on complete opposite ends of the room, constantly having to keep their relationship a secret. He couldn't entirely understand Kat's reasons for not wanting to come clean about it to their classmates, it wasn't like they were homophobic or anything, heck, everyone knew Kirishima and Kaminari were dating. So, it never really made much sense, but he loved Bakugo, and so he respected his decision.

The two boys were sat together right now, Kaminari's legs spread across Kirishima's lap, his head resting in the crook of the red-head's neck as the other boy twisted electric blonde hair through his fingers. Todoroki couldn't help but feel a little sad looking at the two of them, remembering a time when he and Bakugo would sit like that together on his bed watching Netflix, as he eventually dozed off in his arms. All that closeness, the hugging, holding, making each other laugh, kissing, it was slowly disappearing as Katsuki was, and Shoto missed all that.

"Alright!" Mineta yelled bringing everyone's attention to the bottle in the centre of the room. He reached over and span the bottle.


The was an eruption of 'oo's and 'aa's, everyone looking his way as he looked up from his phone, a bored expression on his face.

"Truth or dare?" Mineta asked.

"...Truth I guess?" The taller male answered.

"If you had to kill one person, and only one person in this room, who would it be?"

Shoto heard a few people snicker, making snarky comments like 'he won't be able to just choose one' and 'you'll make his braincell hurt'. Even Iida commented to no-one in particular: "I cannot understand how he can aspire to be a hero when clearly he has all the attributes of a villain."

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