chapter two

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chapter two

Betty stared at Talis.
She didn't expect for him to come up her to her. Hell, she didn't expect for him to come up to their table at all. The feeling in her chest died down as she spoke. "Why??" she asked him, searching his expression for a hint of any shady intent. All she could see was a friendly smile and she didn't trust it at all. He glanced at her friends for a second and then at the students around them. Surprisingly, no one was really looking at them or paying attention. Betty glanced around as well. The only people watching them were Betty's table.

Then her gaze stopped on Jessica. She was glaring right at Betty with burning fury. Jessica's friends continued to talk and gossip, not paying Jessica any mind. She looked at Talis as he said "that's why." His voice was soft and quiet. Now she understood. Talis wanted to talk to her alone because he didn't want Jessica to hear what he wanted to say. Confusion slithered through her. "But- Why wouldn't you-" he cut her off midway through her sentence. "Just please come with me so we can talk in private... It's about the party." He murmured. Betty blinked, more confused than before. Talis wanted to talk about Adam and Jessica kissing??

For a quick moment, Betty wasn't sure about whether she wanted to remember the events of the party or not. She was sure it'd make her mad and/or sad if she did. Curiosity prodded her. What was he gonna say about the party?? Betty watched his face. His smile had been replaced with a serious but kind expression. She sighed softly.
Well, curiosity did killed the cat, eh??
She looked at her table and then at Carol. "Carol," she murmured "can you take my tray when lunch is over, please???"

Carol nodded, pulling Betty's tray towards her own. The other girls looked a bit shocked. Honestly, Betty was pretty shocked herself. Talis Johnson wanted to talk to her in private. Betty turned away from the table and started to get up but a hand grabbed her arm. It was Selena. Selena looked at Talis with a somewhat hateful expression before looking to Betty again and murmuring "are you sure you wanna be alone with him?"

Betty nodded. "Yeah, don't worry. I won't be late to class or anything." Selena frowned and nodded, letting go of Betty's arm. Betty gave her a comforting smile and got up. She started to follow Talis as he started to walk to the cafeteria exit. She took a quick glance at Jessica. She was still glaring at Betty and her friends were still gossiping away. Betty ignored them and looked at the time above the exit of the lunchroom as they walked out. 7 minutes left of lunch.

Talis lead her to the buildings that classes took place in quickly. There were four buildings. Building A, the building for the freshman classes. Building B, the building for sophomore classes. Building C, the building for junior classes and Building D, the building for senior classes. They all had three stories, the same number of classes in each building and a rectangular shape. They were also really ugly. In total, there were five building. The library, main office and cafeteria were all in the same one story building.

Betty followed Talis into Building C and they hurried past the classes to the stairwell. Each class building had a part of just stairs that lead from the bottom floor to the roof. There were stairs outside of the building that were used for students and teachers to get to class. The main purpose of the stairwell was to be an escape during a fire if there ever was one. They were also really private since no one used them.
It also had no cameras.

He pushed the two red doors open and held them open for her. Betty glanced at him briefly before walking in and sitting down on the stairs. Talis walked in after her and let the doors swing close as he did. Betty looked at the gray walls. They were almost white and had a lot of stains on them. Some paint was peeling off in long thick strands. The plastic on the stairs she sat on were a darker gray than the walls and barely glistened in the pale yellow light. The stairwells went up in a boxy spiral, illuminated by a few lights on the wall.

She focused on Talis and asked "why did you wanna talk in here?" Talis smiled, making the feeling in her chest from earlier beat like a heart, and said "I couldn't bring you to the bathrooms, could I?" in a silky tone of voice. Betty, deciding on what to say next, crossed her arms and raised a brow. "You wanted to talk didn't you?" she muttered, crossing a leg over the other "So start talking. You have until the bell rings."

Talis smirked at her and strolled over to the wall on his right, his steps echoing through the stairwell. His eyes were trained on her as he spoke. "I know you're still upset about the party. I am too." he looked up at the stairs "So I made a plan to get revenge on Jessica." He looked at her again. Growing uneasy, she murmured "Revenge?" in a confused tone. "On Jessica?"

The word echoed like his steps, dancing on the cold atmosphere. He nodded. Betty lowered her head a bit, his gaze making her feel a bit odd. "What about Adam?" she asked, looking down. She could feel his eyes watching her like a wolf watching a rabbit. She looked up again when he replied. "We'll leave Adam alone. For now at least." he looked away from her, suddenly making her feel relieved. "Do you really think he would willingly kiss Jessica with a girlfriend like you?" he asked.

She glared at him. "What are you implying???" she asked, a hint of hostility in her voice. He looked at her again, saying "I'm implying that she coerced him into kissing her. That's what Jessica does. Especially to guys who already have girlfriends." in an angry tone. Betty stared at him. His sly expression had turned into a void of hate. Betty was taken aback by it. She couldn't help but think;
Do you hate Jessica, Talis?
She didn't respond to his words. He gave her a distant look.

"Y'know," he started. "Jessica's scared of you." Betty blinked and scoffed with disbelief. "You're lying. She isn't scared of me. If anything, she despises me and my entire existence." she told him, leaning back against the stairs. Talis chuckled. "She does hate you but she's also terrified of you. After you hit her, she hasn't dared to come up to you." His voice suddenly became sinister. "We could use this to our advantage."

Betty raised a brow. "How would we do that?" she murmured. Talis leaned off of the wall and came over to Betty. He kneeled down in front of her before starting to talk. "At 10PM, I can get Jessica to come up to this roof. There aren't any cameras on the roof so we'll be alright. I'll handle any cameras that can spot us. When Jessica is on the roof, you'll run at her. She'll scream and run away. I'll record her reaction, have you post it online and we'll watch her be humiliated and seen as a pansy."

Betty processed the plan before she started to ask questions. "How are you supposed to get her on the roof? What if she tells-" Before she could finish, he cut her off.
"Don't worry about about it Betty. I'll have it all under control, alright?? I just need to know if you're in or not." He gently grabbed her arms, looking into her eyes as he asked "Are you in, Betty?"

The bell rang loudly, echoing around them. Betty exhaled quietly before answering his question in a quiet voice.

"I'm in."


chapter two ending

published, march 28th, 2020
song lyrics, i dont wanna do this anymore by XXXTENTACTION

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