Pumpkin Kid

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This town has a ton of stories, and I know it all! Is kinda part of my work to know all of it, also math and about science as well, I'm a tutor as a part time job, also a dog walker and a babysitter! Is hard to keep track of my studies and work but I try to, since I moved here by my own it has been like this, but anyways, I like to help people as much as I can.

And what can I say? This is why I'm now helping out some of my friends, or at least I like to call them friends, to investigate any already existing research of the forest in the center of the town, but the only thing we found was some camping tips.

"Since 1804, and any information related to the forest is about camping, me lleva el tren!" Yelled stain, throwing the book into the wall.

"Jeez! Stain, keep calm..." Fidel said in a calm voice, but stain didn't care that he tried to say it in a nice way. He stood up and grabbed Fidel from the jacket and raised him, even though he is a little bit shorter than Fidel, he knows how to look deadly and dangerous.

"Guys! No! What about a break?" Before things began to get worse, I interfered between both of them. Stain in one hand, just let go of fidel, pushing him to the floor "yeah, whatever," he said "but I choose where we are going, okay?"

"Yeah yeah, sure" I said while nodding, I'll do everything to keep them out of a fight.

Fidel just stood up with help from a nearby chair, letting out a heavy sigh, "Okay, but let's be quick, please". "Why? It's friday noon, we have the whole weekend to study more about that sh-" "Enough! you gentlemen are being so loud! I'm gonna ask you to leave at this moment!" Mr.Stone said in an angry tone, slamming his table in the process, so I grabbed both of the guys by the arms and left immediately.





Early morning, the noise of silence is the only think that i can hear, sitting down at the sofa while looking straight into the phone, waiting for a call...but nothing, the first noise that breaks the harmony is my alarm, the bus is about to arrive. Another day without a single call...he wasn't joking about treating me like an stanger.

"Good morning Frederick!" After stepping outside my apartment, before closing it, I could hear the voice of Margareth, my neighbor next door, an old lady that daily receives calls from her granddaughters.

"Good morning Margareth, how are you doing?" I replied with a smile on my face, She let out a laugh and walked towards me giving me a lunch bag.

"oh i'm doing just fine darling, I just came to give you a little something for breakfast, yesterday Isabelle told me that you haven't been able to pay the gas, and to have a great day..." "you need to have a great breakfast, i already know margareth, and i'm really grateful about this but you didn't need to-" she stop me and looked at me with a smile " of course i need it to, you are such a lovely kid, you always help people when you can, someone needs to help you too as well, now, make sure to ask me for any favor if needed"

Really, she is such a caring lady! I couldn't say no to her, so I just nodded and hugged her before leaving. It was getting late to grab the bus, so just after I stopped chatting with Margareth, I ran downstairs, almost tripping and rolling down 2 floors. Fortunately nothing happened so i just greeted the doorman and left.




After arriving I sat down in the grass to try and eat my breakfast peacefully, and as I said, I tried, because the moment I took out the lunch bag from my backpack, James came running straight at me and stealing it from my hands.

"What you got there, pumpkin kid?" He said with a mocky tone
" H-hey! that is my lunch!"

"Whatever is yours is mine as well" He took a bite from the sandwich and then spit it out in disgust, "ugh! this tastes like trash!" He was about to throw it in my face, but someone stopped him.

"well, you are trash, and no one says anything" Eris, my savior, she arrived just in time to save my life, holding james by the wrist tightly, not letting him to even move his arm and even thought she wasn't even directing her attention to me, i could feel how dense the tension was around us.

"Try to bother him again, and i swear that next time i'll make sure you eat real trash" She spit out while pushing him apart from us, James turned a dark shade of red and before replying anything, that is when stain arrived and called him over, just like a dog he retreated with the tail between his legs.

"you ok?"

"uh?" I couldn't even react on time before feeling how eris was pulling me up from the ground. "come on, or else we gotta be late"




"Guys, where is eris?" My nerves faded away the moment I realized that eris was missing.

"Wasn't she here a moment before?" Abby looked around in her place "she gotta be near somewhere here"

"Then I gotta go get her, fred, follow me, abby stay here in case she returns, and stain- "

"Don't you dare tell me what to do," Stain said with an anger tone, interrupting fidel " this ain't no football game and we ain't your team, fido, in terms of a lost person, we gotta split out to cover more land, and have a way of communication so we can know if someone already found her"

"Well, if we split out we are running the risk of losing someone else," Abby said in a serious tone, continued by a heavy sigh, "but is not a bad plan considering is eris who we are talking about"

"So, what do we do then?" I let out without thinking, grabbing everyone's attention, just then, Fidel let out a confident smile " we are gonna work together, Frederick, you know eris better than all of us, any clue of where she went?"

I sat down on the floor to think about it, I mean, I met Eris 5 years ago and we grew close together since then, but my mind was blank but at the same time it was full of things!

"I have a better idea, why don't you sniff her backpack and then trail her scent, anyways, you are called fido, like a dog" Stain joked with Fidel by grabbing him from the chin, The blondie look straight into to his eyes with a spark of anger, he never found it funny to be called like a dog. It took a minute or less to make a really heavy tension between them to completely give us this awkward feeling of discomfort, and by that, Abby stood up and got between them so they could stand back before turning this into another problem.

"Stop fooling around and act like adults for once, our friend Eris is missing and we need to get into the forest and look for her, so we are going together and we will tie up a rope so we can find our way back to the camp, understand!?" She said raising her voice and with a theaten tone so both of the guys would understand this was serious.

And we did as she said, grab a rope from the kit and tie it up to a tree and with some light we went straight into the forest.




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