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i walked into the visitation room, waiting for him to be brought in and once he was, he was seated in front of me.

"why're you here?" he asked, not looking at me.

"what are you ashamed of, montgomery?" i asked. "you've been trying to seek your father's approval for years and nothing has been accomplished. so tell me, why can't you admit that you slept with winston that night?" i asked. "it would save you a hell of a lot of trouble."

"you must be hard of fucking hearing because i'm not a f——t and i don't know who the fuck this winston kid is." he said to me.

"god, even in fucking prison with nothing to lose, you're still so god damn prideful." i said, shaking my head. "you loved me for years. i know what it looks like and i know you're in love with winston. he might love you back. so please give your truthful alibi. do it for your mom and sister." i said to him. "do it for analeia."

"why do i wanna do anything for the kid?" he asked me.

"because charlie told me that you ask about her. pretend you want nothing to do with her all you want, but i know deep down you've wanted some type of relationship with her since you found out she existed. i know you, montgomery. i've known you for years. i know you had the opportunity not to turn out like your dad." i said to him.

"is this why you're here? to tell me all the ways that i'm like my dad?" he asked me. "to tell me how well your daughter is doing without me? seriously, kylie. why are you here?" he asked. "you fucking hate me."

"you're absolutely right. i do hate you. i hate you more than is even explainable. you got me pregnant and i had to find a way to explain to my boyfriend why his daughter didn't look like him. you know how idiotic that made me sound?" i asked him.

"sorry to say, but at the end of the day, your legs were in the air, ky. so you're right. you did and definitely still do look stupid." he told me, chuckling.

"seriously? you're really telling me it's my fault that you got me pregnant? what the fuck is wrong with you?" i asked him.

"what? it is!" he said to me.

"you're so fucking demented, mon. you're so uncomfortable with your sexuality, that you'd rather attack me for getting pregnant, something you caused, insulting my daughter in the process?" i asked, chuckling. "you're not a man. from the minute you laid a hand on me for the first time, the first time you called me stupid, you weren't a man. you weren't one then and you're not one now." i said to him. "you're just the same scared six year old who was afraid of everything." i began. "this time it's life or death and you're still scared to death of everything."

"you have no idea about the shit i'm going through." he told me.

"i don't? the only thing i don't understand is you being bi, but everything else? i know just about as much as you do. you know why? because you're still living it. i can't remember if i got kicked out or i left, but i got out of there somehow. i got out and made a life for myself. you're still stuck behind the same friends who never knew loyalty from the beginning!"

"what the fuck do you know about loyalty, kylie?" he asked me. "are you still convincing everyone you know that you didn't cheat on me with justin freshman year? hmm?" he asked me. "are you going to sit here in front of me and try to convince me that you didn't fuck him at that party freshman year?" he asked me.

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