2. New Home

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Bryan's POV

"Well, here we are. This is the farm" she said. I looked around.

There was a small cottage up ahead. Fields that haven't weeded off the ground.

A huge dusty barn house. A small stables and a very damaged wind mill.

It was bit of a mess but who am i to complain?

When i got the pizzaria. It was pretty dusty and smells like rotten pizza.

"I know what you're thinking. It doesn't look like a farm...and you're right" she sigh disappointingly.

"But i'm sure you'll be able to live on it once you've tilled the land. Hold on, wait right here" she said. She went near the cottage, trying to look for something.

I couldn't hear what she was mumbling about. She came toward me giving me tools for the farm.

"You'll need to learn how to grow your own crops if you're going to live here, so i'll teach you what i know" she cheerily said.

"Okie. Let me put him down for a minute" i went near the cottage and put Lefty beside the doorstep.

"I'm ready!" I shouted to her.


Bryan's POV

"And that pretty much sums up the basic steps on how to grow crops" she finished.

"Hmm... Bryan, are you okay? You still look a bit tired. You see that house over there? No one is living in it right now, so you're free to use it. What are you waiting for? I'll show you inside the house" she giggles.

We both entered the house. It was so small but warm and cozy.

"What do you think? It might feel a bit cramped, but it should have everything you need for now" she assured me.

Although the house isn't that bad, and it was way better than living in a huge mansion alone.

"I tidy this place up once in a while, so you can use the bed and kitchen without anything to worry about" she pointed out.

"As a doctor, I suggest you rest for the remainder of the day. A good night's sleep will relieve you of your fatigue" she ordered me.

Welp...I can't say no to that. I went outside bringing lefty in.

I checked if anything wrong with him. Gladly he isn't broken. I put him in charge.

Luckily this world have electricity, even though it look like the older days before electronics exists.

"I live in the house on the hill to the north of the Lighthouse. If you have any questions. Just come by and ask" she said. Making sure to know where she is.

"Oh, and after a night, I think your cabbage should grow in size. Anyway, i'll leave you to it. Go relax and get some rest" she said before she left me.

I lay down the bed. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I drifted off to sleep.


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