Chapter One

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Since Friday's lunch, my stomach has been welcoming every meal of food that I could enjoy. Even mushrooms, one of God's creatures that I did not prefer to eat are now on my list of delicious toppings.

Such a rare jubilation, especially one made by a man I have only known in my dreams.

Today seems to hold lots of interesting details about things that can be called for its normality, yet it drew my attention while walking to my next class. Media Studies is my next subject, a favorite of mine. Glancing at the serene sky once or twice when walking down the spacious hallway is a habit of mine I've developed these past two years so as to avoid intervening in businesses I had nothing to do with. It pays off since the hallway contains a huge balcony that travels through the whole hallway covering every part of it with its majestic view of gigantic Maple and Pine trees.

As if on cue, a young man started waving his gloved hand and yelling what looks to be a one-syllable-word. Another man appeared wearing the same green leathered clothes and boots while carrying small gardening items in his hands. It looks like my beloved garden is going to be pampered for the next hour or so. As it should be.

The class was full. Every seat was taken except one in particular, one that is up front and right in the middle. I started walking to it when I noticed a brown bag on the chair.

"It's been here since I took my seat twenty minutes ago" A red-haired girl spoke from the seat on the left. "Sorry" She added. Her small gesture made up for the small sparks that have been evolving in my palm since I have looked at the cursed bag and calmed my outrage. I gave her a small smile in return. "Don't worry, it's not your fault. I suppose arriving five minutes earlier is not enough." She shrugged her bare shoulders and looked quickly around before whispering. "You know this is Professor Adeeb's class, right?" The moment she said those words, a loud dragging sound echoed throughout the class.

"Please, take your seat miss, if there is any left" Standing was Professor Adeeb closing a book and taking off his glasses. As he looked up, his eyes widened a bit and sparkled wickedly. His right hand went up choosing his index finger carefully and drumming it on his chin. His humming stayed for what looks to be four seconds before raising the same index finger in the air.

"It looks like I forgot something..... Aha! Here it is" He started walking to the seat that has the bag in it and slowly took it. "I forgot this here" He put the bag on his chair and leaned on his desk looking at me intensely. He gestured his hand towards the empty seat now.

"Please" Was all he said before turning to the whiteboard. My astonishment was clearly evident since he raised his eyebrows at me, trying hardly to erase the smile trying to break into his face.

"Good morning everyone. I would like to start off by apologising to you for my absence last week, but I would like you to know that it was not intentional. The administration did not provide me with my timetable until yesterday; However, since it is Monday we will start off with a small getting to know each other activity so as to break the ice" Immediately, multiple hands were raised, most of them had colored nails.

"What are we going to learn in this subject that is different from our previous Media Studies subject" A girl with a high-pitched-voice asked.

"Well, according to what I've heard, you have studied a rather vague image about what is Media Studies and some of its mechanics. You still have not learnt how to approach it, how to detect its various mechanics and how to use it positively and this is why it is called Media Studies: In depth" A boy raised his hand.

"Is your PhD thesis on Media Studies?"

"No, I still have not received my PhD. In September of this year I'll start my MA" loud sounds of surprise erupted throughout the class. My face itself did not differ from those around me; However, it may be for an added reason. My mind cannot comprehend how can Ib- Mr Adeeb be my professor. His brown eyes keep on looking at me every five minutes. Those chocolaty eyes...

"How come you're here? Teaching us?" Another boy said. Mr Adeeb's features did not change. His face still held the same proud look.

"I am originally a Math student. I have received my BMath in three years and furthered my studies more by choosing to apply for a Masters in Algebra since It is my passion; Nevertheless, this did not hold me from choosing another field which is as you can probably see, English. In my second year of my BMath I decided to apply for a BA in English and after four years I got it. In these four years I have joined multiple workshops, did a couple of researches and even received my thesis of honor. For the past year and a half I was chosen as a Co-Professor for the University of Dairen training to become an official professor and after I finished I was chosen by the Dean of Saint Alexander's faculty of letters to teach, and here I am. So do not worry. You are in safe hands"

He was full of surprises, wasn't he. The Dean himself chose him to teach in our faculty. What an honor it is for someone to have this history. For some reason, I am happy for him. He deserves it. It must've been hard for him.

"So how old are you?"

"Twenty three, I am twenty three years old" Suddenly the room became warmer as the girls started to sigh in a way that made me turn red. The boys were aware of their intentions as they glared at the professor hatefully. I am not going to deceive myself, he is handsome. His thick black hair that has been covering his wide eyes, the color of chocolate, his olive skin, the small beard stuck on his chin, his tall body and strong muscles that are not exaggerated are qualities many girls prefer; Nevertheless, this does not mean weakening our fences and forgetting our morals, which is why his gaze on me did not prevent me from holding his gaze and showing him that I do not fall easily.

"You're very young Mr Adeeb. You're only two years older than us" The same girl that asked the first question said as she looked at him in an inappropriate way. His smile boosted her confidence as he came closer to us.

"I suppose I am. Looking at my fellow professors. I know it looks weird when a twenty three year-old is teaching Juniors that are twenty or twenty one years old; However, do not fear that our class will be lacking the experience it needs. I will do my best to make this class as fruitful and exciting as possible. Moreover, please note that I am an easy-going professor when the student interacting with me is respectful and professional; Nevertheless, I will not hesitate to fill someone's file with a horrifying history if they ever cross those boundaries. Am I being clear" His gaze started traveling every single student.

" Yes Sir" With a small nod he replied "Good". As he was about to sit on his chair, his body turned swiftly to us.

"One more thing. Is there any other question left?" A blond girl sitting right next to his desk raised her hands. "Yes miss"

"I am just curious and I wanted to know if you are single" I looked at her seeing her flirty look and posture that somehow made my blood boil. I know why I am acting this way but it is still not justified.

Slowly I turned around to look at the professor only to see that he was looking at me. There is no fighting my biological changes. Despite that, I tried thinking of past events only to be reminded of this past Friday. The blush on my cheeks grew stronger thanks to this last thought. As if he read my mind, his face started carving a wide smile that broke his serious posture and his eyes traveled to mine.

With a small movement from his lips and in a whispery voice he replied "No".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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