Chapter 5: Another possesed

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Minx‘s POV:


Am I.... dead?

N-no..this cant be.

How am I still thinking then?

Take that logic!

~In Minx‘s mind~

“Why hello there Michelle.

I see Lizzie has obeyed my orders.


Did I say that out loud?

Well I might aswell just spill the beans.

Hello, my name is- oh, sorry I cant tell you!

Lets just say my name is Master Miricular.

Getting back onto topic, I have possesed your dear friend LDshadowlady.

My specific orders were to kill your friends.

In doing so, you will now be brought back to life and set in a random location near your target.


I will control your every actions, but because I am so nice, I will let you say and speak whatever you want.

Any questions?


Well, go and do the task I have set for you.

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