The day I won't forget.

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Five years ago.  "OK, so you take one person and make up there name and age, you make up a  story of there life. Got it?"   I told him. "OK, can I go first?" He smiled. "Yes, you can." I laughed.

March 2nd, 2008. 

   We both walk into a nice restaurant, me in a white tight dress and him in his tux.  Mum and Daddy look at us, smiley. " So, are you two gonna get married soon? I need Grandchildren." Daddy looked at us. "You two don't need to be married to give us our Grandchild." Mum looked mad " YES they do. It isn't right. Your a BAD example. Go get the waiter." I look at mum. Alex looks at mum. She looks worried. "Honey, is everything ok?" I look down. Just to make her more worried. I look away. "Alex, Telll me whats wrong!" Alex can't hold it in EVER. "We want to......" Mum looks even more worried. " Play a game." he laughed. I start cracking up. Mum looks mad and oddly at us. "Thats dume, not even funny." She says. "Only if you knew." I smile. "Ok, me first." I look around the room. "Ok, 4 o'clock. Eldery man with twenty year old. His mane is Richard, Rich guy who hits on young girls. In his 60s." I look at Alex. Alex looks disgusted. "Thats a wonderfull picture Rachel. Ok Chick 22. Likes dogs only Dogs. Shed marry one. This Richard over here has 100 dogs cause he is some old rich dude. She wants his dogs, She will get marryed to him, divorce him take his dogs and live happy." We both start cracking up. He turn to mum. Looking mad at us with dad she says, "Its time to order children."

I look at Alex and say, "THIS is day I will NEVER  forget."

July 4th, 2009

We sit on the top of a roller-coaster, stuck. Up 100ft. Looking over the city. I am cold, It is getting late. Im in my tank-top he is in his t-shirt both with out a jacket. "I am SO cold." I tell him. "Why do we think 4th of july will always be SUPER hot?" Alex laughed. I look up at him and smile. I lay my head on his shoulder. We are the only ones up there. We stare forward looking at the buildings in the distance.He wraps his arm around me.Men are yelling up to us, saying "Would you be able to jump off it?" I look down at him and say "WHY would ANYBODY want to do THAT?" I laugh and put my head on Alexs lap.I look up at him, he is staring up at the sky. I smile. He is one guy who dosen't like to kiss all the time. Me to. Thats one reason we love each other. But this was a perfect kissing spot, But what he he wont kiss me back!!! I'd die. In embarrassment. Oh my gosh. He'd want to leave. He'd hate me. I am gonna stay on the other side now. I scoted over to the other side away from him. He looked at me shcoked. I looked away. He kept straing at me, I could feel it.

All of the sudden we heard a noise. A creak then a crack.  One side fell off. My side. "OH MY GOSH!" i fell, and grabed the rest of the seat. Alex took my hand. He tried pulling me up."Hold on, Rachel!" He pulled me up and I had to sit on his lap. This was even more akward. "Why did you get farther away from me?" he asked. He looked straight into my eyes. That was werid. I looked in to his soon and said "I wanted to kiss you but I thought you would denine it, then youd hate me then you walk away or want to jump off or would tell me it is over.!" I looked sad, felt sad, so I looked away. He took my head and kissed me. I was even more shocked. He kissed me. HE KISSED ME. ALEX MATT KISSED ME! he kissed me.  We heard another crack but this time they were fireworkes. Fireworks went on almost all night.

This is a day I won't forget.


Want me to post more days or is it bad? If you are reading this PLEASE comment!!!

IDC want comment. thanks.


December 2nd, 2009.

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