Move In Day

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I walked onto my wing, wing roster in hand and scanning through the list to see if I had known any of the residents on my wing this year. This was my second year of being an Resident Assistant (RA) in the 1-A building on the UA University campus. I had been around the block, so I knew how to make door decorations (door decs), bulletin boards, put on events, do nightly rounds of the building, work desk, be on call and learn how to build relationships with residents. Needless to say that I was in this job for two reasons, one, that I love having residents and two, that I needed to pay for college somehow. Apparently when I brought up the idea of being an escort, that was shot down for some reason.

My eyes stopped at the last name on the list, "Katsuki Bakugo", I cursed internally because I had heard a lot about this guy. I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with his "outbursts" but I did have a small crush on him. At this point, I'm trying to force that crush down and just keep my head down throughout the academic year.

I threw my door open, grabbing my laptop and sitting down with my Cricut in order to finish up the last set of door decs I had. I had cut out most of the paper and glued a good chunk of it already. So I didn't have much left to do. As my machine was cutting the last set of door decs out, I was putting the names of each resident on each separate door dec. Once I finished all my residents' door decs, I had went on to finish what was left for the staff of the building. The door dec with Katsuki's name on it had just stared at me and it was a bit uncomfortable to say the least.

As I finished the staff door decs, I went back downstairs to the front lobby to help residents move into the building. I was on duty for working the elevator since it had to be manually operated and we didn't want the door to close on anyone. Another thing was that we were encouraging students to take the elevator and not use their quirks to help move in because that can prove to be a mess in and of itself.

The first few hours had flown by, I was playing music and making small talk with the happy parents with their nervous students. I remember being there myself and I chuckled, keeping a smile plastered on my face. All until two blonde spiked hair individuals and one brunet spiked hair individual walked into the elevator. "Third?" I asked breaking the silence that had started when my heart lurched into my throat.

"Oh yes," the blonde haired woman had smiled. I nodded, as I pressed the button to my floor. If there was ever a time when I wanted to hide, this would be it. The quiet hum of Paramore's "Still Into You" was playing and I was cursing at whatever God/Goddess was laughing at my emotional agony.

"This job can't be too bad right?" The brown haired man smiled at me.

"Oh no, not at all. Just gotta make sure not to get motion sick," I half laughed. The only one not saying anything to me was Katsuki, he was just staring at the doors of the elevator. Then the elevator stopped at 3rd floor. Once they got out, I let out a sigh and silently screaming before heading back down to the lobby.

Throughout the day, they had come in the elevator a couple more times, just to haul up big loads. I may or may not have been sneaking glances at Katsuki's arms because damn, they were muscular and I was all about that. But I tried not to stare too much as I was making small talk with his parents.

As I was walking up the stairwell leading up to my wing I heard "why don't you find a nice girl like that one in the elevator?" His mom's voice had said and I went about as beat red as possible. I pretended not to hear as I was walking to my room that was sadly next to his. As I walked past, I snuck a curious glance into his room and realized that his bed was on the same wall as mine. Here comes another mental curse because I knew that the walls of the rooms were thin. If you were sitting by an outlet in the wall, you could almost hear EVERYTHING that is happening in the room next to you.

I set all my phone in my room to charge as well as my water bottle before walking rounds on the floor. I wanted to see everyone's room and get to know them. Iida was organizing his glasses on the wall that he had started of other pairs of glasses, and I chuckled. I walked toward another room on the wing, just poking in by Mina Ashido, saying hi as well as asking if there was anything that they needed.

"Do you guys happen to have a rubber mallet in the building so I can change the height of my bed?" She politely asked.

"We do! I will go see if it's not checked out at front desk and snag it for you!" I smiled. Internally, I hated keeping up this smiley attitude was exhausting.

I walked down the stairs and past everyone moving their belongings into their respective rooms. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket to open the front desk door and snuck in back to grab a rubber mallet. Thank god there was one left with a wooden handle, so that meant I didn't have to worry about it getting damaged. I raced back up the stairs, almost bumping into Katsuki on the way up. I smiled hopefully at me, but his expression stayed unchanged.

I walked right to Mina's room and stood in the doorway with the mallet for a minute.

"Here, if you have anymore questions, I will be in my room. Once you are done with the mallet, you can either return it to me or whoever is working the front desk at the time. Front desk will be open till 5pm tonight and will open again tomorrow at 9am." I said glancing in the hall way.

I walked back in the direction of my room, shoving my hands in my pocket to grab my key out. I was swinging my keys gently on the lanyard before I shoved the key into the lock of my door. 'This is going to be a long year', I thought.

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