The memories that will be with me forever
It is 1939, 3rd September, I am here writing my diary. I started writing this ever since I came to the care home. I was about 4 or 5 when the police found me on the streets I was the only child at the home but Sara took me in and gave me a home and she was like family, like an aunt or a cousin. I never knew my parents. I think they left me, on the street alone and went off. Then again they might have caught the Spanish influenza. Even then, wouldn't they take me somewere? Wouldn't they find me a home? Well, here I am now fourteen and thirteen children are in the home. They are all very sweet. I think of them as my brothers and sisters but am worried that when I am old enough and I leave, there will be no one to look after them. The second oldest is only ten and I don't think he will take care of all these children. It was on my 15th birthday, I just opened a card from Peter (the youngest kid of the lot), he made a paper card for me. We didn't have much money. Even the care home was fighting to feed us. Sara was trying her hardest to get us a meal and could only afford schooling for me. It all started when the second world war began. Ever since it started every one has vanished I know they have been evacuated but I wasn't talking about the children I mean the people who matter, the people who give us our daily needs. We live in one of the poor parts in London. We would have to travel many miles to get to the city centre and with all those bombs dropping it would be too dangerous. Oh I forgot my name is Isabella. I don't know my last name but people call me Bella. Oops I have seem to lost track. Hmm ah yes. I wouldn't let anyone from our home go out many miles for that. So I signed up for the army, well I would be a maiden. I would do the cleaning up and serving the soldiers.
Later on that day, came a truck to take me to the site. I couldn't bare leaving Peter let alone the others but I had to. So I left. There were about twelve others in the truck. Four of them including me were maidens the others were soldiers. It was a very bumpy ride and at one point I came off my seat. Once we arrived it was raining." Great, fabulous," I thought. I didn't run inside like the others I walked building up the nerve to walk in. Once I got to the door of my cabin I heard a screech. I looked back and another truck had arrived. But the only people who came out were soldiers. No more maidens, there were none my age, they were all much older. I finally turned around and went inside. In my cabin there were twelve beds a bathroom and closets. I had the bed next to the only window. I walked slowly to my bed and dumped my bag on the floor and sat on my bed. I stared out of the window into the rain. Watching the tiny droplets fall down the window. I lay back resting my head on the pillow. I think about what I left behind and why I am doing this. I think about Peter and all the other children at the home. Suddenly all the girls were screaming with delight because they will be meeting the soldiers tonight. I on the other hand couldn't care one bit. Meeting soldiers who defend the country isn't that important, they are just stuck up men who may or may not care about what other people think. Aren't they meant to be rude and disloyal? Time went past, minutes gone by. All of a sudden one of the girls said "oh are you getting ready girl?" I took no notice. Another girl said "maybe she has nothing to wear!" all the girls laughed at me except one. The girl that didn't laugh said "don't be so mean. She is new and she is only fifteen. Hi my name is Elizabeth. If you don't have anything to wear would you like to borrow a dress?" I looked at her and said "yes please, if you have one to spare." Elizabeth smiled she seemed pleased. I smiled back and she handed me a white dress. I said "thank you." And she laughed and said "it is the least I can do. What is your name?" I smiled and swallowed. I then said "my name is Isabella, or Bella. Most people call me Bella." She smiled and said" Hi Bella!" I laughed and went into the bathroom to get changed. Once I put the dress on I looked in the mirror. I looked at the lovely white dress. It was a cream colour; it went in by the stomach and then went out into a nice curve. It had silver cloth flours on it. Elizabeth said "turn around, let me see." I turned around and she smiled and said "it looks lovely on you, if I wore that it wouldn't suit me. That white brings out the colour in your eyes. Hmm maybe put your hair down." I pulled out my hair ribbon and let my hair fall down my shoulders. My hair is quite long it goes down to my back. Then there was a noise outside. Everyone went onto my bed and looked out my window. One of the girls said "hey look it is the soldiers!" I rolled my eyes and went back to fixing my hair. Elizabeth started talking, "the last two are Edward and Ralf. Edward is the handsome tall one. Ralf is the blonde obnoxious one." I laughed, so did Elizabeth. All the girls sighed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door as no one would go and answer it. Outside were some soldiers. Once I opened the door they smiled and looked at all the girls on my bed. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my bed, were now was empty. All t6he girls went to the door to say "hi" to the soldiers. I went to sit on my bed. I looked around and saw a corner of a book sticking out from underneath the closet. I walked over and bent down to pick it up. It was very dusty, so I blew on it to get the dust off. The cover read "Pride & Prejudice" I flipped the cover over and started reading the first page. I walked to my bed, still reading, and sat down. Suddenly I heard my name, Elizabeth was talking about me to a soldier "yes that girl over there is Bella. She is new." The soldier replied "I can see. How old is she?" I replied "fifteen." Elizabeth and the soldier looked at me. The soldier said "sorry I didn't know you were listening. Aren't you a bit young to be a maiden?" I laughed and said "yes I do realise that, but it is very important for me to be here." The soldier looks at me in shock and ignored me. I carry on with my book. The noise quietened and soldiers left. Elizabeth shut the door. There was another knock on the door. Elizabeth opened it and standing outside was Ralf. He said "sorry to bother you, but I came to tell you that, you have five munities until club hours." Then another soldier came up behind him and everyone was silent. This soldier was very tall, muscular and had lovely brown eyes. He said "sorry for us to intervene. I do have to admit you all look stunning!" he then looked over to my bed, were I was sitting. He said "who is that over in the corner?" Elizabeth was the only one to answer this soldier. "Her name is Bella. She is fifteen, she is one of the newbies." He smiled and said "hello, my name is Edward and this is Ralf. If you need anything just let us know." I smiled and said "thank you" my voice sounded a bit shaky. Once Ralf and Edward left, we all went down to the bar were we would be serving.