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Juris Hocksetter found herself walking to the front of the school, bumping a few kids along the way.

Juris was Patrick Hocksetter's little sister. She was the only one smart enough to stop them when they hurt kids. She didn't like it, but she sometimes found herself joining in. She was a major hypocrite and she knew it.

When she made it to the front of the school, she saw the loser club getting bullied by none other than the Bowers group...

Juris' P.O.V*

I see Bill, the one who's brother went missing, yell at bowers.. big mistake buddy. I knew Henry was going to flip his shit on the poor kid so I had to do something.

"You s-sa-say something b-bill?" Henry snarled, mocking his stutter. I started to jog over so I could get there faster.

Henry was pissing me off, I had stood there, letting poor kids get hurt. Not any-fucking-more.

"Hey hen, I'm fucking done with this shit." I pulled him by the collar of his shirt, seeing as I'm sadly 4'11 (I haven't grown since sixth grade). I then did something I've always wanted to do, I punched Henry fucking Bowers.

The crack of his nose brought a smirk to my face. 'Ooh's' echoed around me.

"Juris! What the fuck!" Pat was visibly shocked, not knowing his thirteen year old sister had the guts for that. I mean, Henry was the bully of the school. Teachers were scared, any human being in their right mind was scared.

Henry stood up and walked right past me, straight to Bill.

"You better be glad your little girlfriend was here to save you. You got a free ride this year Denbrough 'cause of your little brother. That rides over, be ready for hell this summer." Bill licked his and, and patted it on bill's face.

Henry bumped his shoulder into Bill's and walked away. I turned around after seeing they were all gone.

"Hey, Bill right?" I tried to sound nice, but apparently that didn't work out seeing as the look on their face.

"Uh, yu- yeah. Th-thanks b-by the way." His smile was shy yet slightly confident, probably because his bully just got his ass beat by a girl.

I smiled at the group of four boys, taking my time looking at them.

"So, uh, no problem. I'm Juris, Juris Hocksetter." I mumbled.

"Hey hot stuff, I'm Richie. This is Eddie and Stanley. You've seem to have already met Bill..." Richie, or as I like to call him, Bug Eyes said.

"I know. I have nicknames for you all. Heh." Their faces turned into a shocked-scared look. Wondering if the nicknames were bad.

"Well! What are you waiting for? Spill." Bug eyes demanded.

"Alright. Richie, you're bug eyes, Eddie-wheezer, Stanley-Curly Fry, and Bill is Doll face." I made these nicknames for things I first noticed.

Bill was blushing, he does have a sweet, doll-like face.

"Awe, thanks I'm flattered." Richie was obviously sarcastic, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I've got to go, tell me whenever they pick on you again!" I turned to walk away when Bill stopped me.

"Wuh-w-we a-are going to th-the q-qur-qurray tomorrow, I-If you-you'd want to guh-go..." his stutter was honestly cute, but I've had my eyes on someone else for a while now.

I continue walking away while shouting, "good to know!"

Holy shit, I might have real, non-fake friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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