I honestly have no clue-
I literally just wanna search up donuts and reach through the screen so I can eat it yet dont have to buy it-WAIT I SMELL SOMETHING FRYINGBDBNSJJSJJS
So apparently I went and looked and it turns out my mom is making fries-
I literally can't believe my "no-braincells" ass had to search up "wHaT iS tOdAy" just to write down the caption of this page
Ok wAiT iMmA gO eAt fRiEs, tHoSe tHiNgS tAsTe gOooOuUuD VFHDJFHJDJKSS
So now I came back and its currently 8:53 PM and yes, fries indeed taste good-
I made a little sandwich with eggs, ketchup, and fries-
Ngl it tastes gud tho
And I don't sound as high now cuz yeah ofc its nitetime and im kinda sleepy rn
But I might pull an all-nighter like how I did for the past few days, and surprisingly I'm not tired, liKe nOt aLL-
WoOoOwW I litrally thought I spent an hour writing this but I just realized only 3 minutes have passed by EYE-
Also yep im just being my weird self as alwaysIm bored so.... STORY TIME:
I literally wondered what its like for the instruments to be shoved in the storage closets so I sHoVeD mYsElF iN and surprisingly I fiT-
It smelled like.... oLd mUsiC sHeEtS, dUsT (ofc), and sTaLe bReAd (?)
Idk if its just me, but after playing my instrument for a little while, and I clean up, it lowkey smells like stale rotten bread jsbdnsjk
Then my friend saw me in there and I started laughing cuz I got caught-
And then he was like "giRl aRe yOu oN cRaCk" and then I fell out and facepalmed on the floor. Ouch.
But anyways, it was a hiLaRiOuS eXpEriEnCe sO yEeT-Also its 9:02 PM and my dad is yelling at me to gO tO sLeEeeEp-
I guess my plans of pulling an all nighter kinda failed
I literally hear a party going on in my neighborhood or maybe next door...Ok its time to go to sleeep, gOoD niGhT zZzzZ-
*gOeS tO bEd*
Time finished: 9:04PM
Randomso um- hi Also this is my first book so yEeT- I can't really come up with any ideas so im just writing random stuff aBoUt mY liFeU And yes the cover is the same pic as my pFp- Introduction: Hi im a 06 liner Vlive account: @bangchanbestboi, now its...