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*4 (18 year old)'s sitting at a resturant*

?: Guht! Wake Up!

Guht: *snaps awake* Why what ya'll need?

The three others shake their heads.

Generous: You're drooling.

Guht: Can't help it. I was having an hungry dream. An infinite buffet. *Mnhm* Pepperoni Pizza and Strawberry Latte.

Generous: Well they're about to bring our food.

Infinite: Man, how do we put up with you?

F2: He keeps stealing stuff!

Guht: I don't. It just winds up in the house.

F2: Seems anything'll turn up at the house if you drink half a bottle of wine every other day!

Guht: *tired* F2, I was sober enough to know......that I wasn't the one stealing stuff.

F2: Then who could it be?!

*The waiter brings the four their food*

Guht: Thank you ma'am.

F2: Appreciate that.

Infinite: Thanks.

Generous: Thank you very much.

F2: Excuse me, miss. But you wouldn't know where the bathroom is, do you? 

Waitress: Right around the corner, honey.

F2: Thank you.

F2 gets up and heads to the men's room.

Guht: So are you two dating?

Infinite: It's hard to explain.

 Guht: Just try to dumb it down for me.

Generous: We're dating but not really.

Guht: Like an affair?

Generous: Kinda. But neither of us are cheating on someone else.

Guht: Okay.

Guht pulls out his phone and see's it start to glitch out. The phone burned something onto his hand and he tossed it with nothing but his reflexes. Generous and Infinite also felt burns on their hands as well. F2 came out and showed them a similar mark.

Generous: What the hell is this?

Infinite: I don't know. Lets head home.

Guht: Wait a minute. I recognize these runes! F2, you have, Hope. And Infinite, you have, Light! Generous, you have, Love. and I have........,

Guht: *sighs* Darkness.

Generous: What do they mean?

F2: I think they're our traits.

Guht: This is from one of the games that generally frustrated me. Usually after you get a rune, you fight a broken boss with a tiny ass hit box.

Just as he said that, they we're teleported to a Colosseum. They were in a weapons room. There were axes, maces, and even swords. All their clothes changed too into light armor. They even have a But something caught Infinite's eyes. 

A short small, glowing dagger. He picked it up and swung it around about.

Infinite: A bit light, but it'll do.

Everyone else grabbed their weapons and loaded onto a small wooden rise. Both F2 and Guht both wielded swords and a shield. Generous grabbed a shield and a sword too.

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