The List

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Welcome back lovely girls!

Here is our much awaited list of 101 Reasons Why I Hate Boys.

P.s to anyone who feels like this is a negative list, please remember that this is just a little bit of fun and boys we actually LOVE you much. 




1.       They think they're always right

2.       They always insult you as a ‘joke’

3.       Sometimes they have such huge egos

4.       They can be so sexist

5.       They take forever to text back

6.       They are so hard to understand

7.       Boys think "K" is an acceptable response

8.       Have really blunt replies

9.       They're as confusing as a donkey with three legs

10.   Boys usually only want one of two things 1) sex 2) your best friend (sister, cousin, etc)

11.   They don’t understand why some of us are upset or angry...


13.   When you’re mad because they did something, they blame it on "awwww are you on your period?"

14.   Boys don't pay attention to when you're looking good and when you can't be bothered they notice

15.   When they say girls are confusing but they're 100% more confusing than us girls

16.   They have a midlife crisis at 17

17.   When they lead you on and you start thinking that they like you then BAM!! They ignore you and they just become everything they said they would never be

18.   They call girls sl*@s and wh#@es if they sleep with a couple of guys but they praise their friends when they 'bang b*tches'

19.   I hate boys because the real ones don't act like the ones in favorite books and shows

20.   They act like its "funny" to accuse girls of being on they're period.

21.   When they believe they are the sexiest most un-resistible creatures and they are a gift to all mankind when in reality they look like a blob fish

22.   They use girls and play with their feelings

23.  When boys poke your side to make you jump and it feels like someone has stabbed you with an electrified double ended knife

24.  When boys know you wanna rip theit throat out but they still annoy you just to laugh at you

25.  Always brag about their 'anacondas' 

26.  You never know for sure if they like you unless you straight out ask them and even then they might lie to look cool

27.  Always whine about being in the friend zone but there's plenty of girls who would be interested in them

28.  Hanging out with boys gets you hated and even it's supposed to be less drama

29.  When boys have better legs/eyebrows,eyelashes than us. YOU DON'T NEED THEM.

30.  Don't think boys comprehend what girls go through on a daily basis

31.  When your guy friends hit on your girlfriends. Lol no. stahp.

32.  Just because you're a girl they think its ok to say the stupidest lines instead of actually having a conversation

33. Not being able to talk to that one boy you have a crush on just because you're afraid of saying something stupid or stuttering

34. Whenever you talk to the hot boys, you get thise feeling like they're looking at you and saying 'Gosh you're ugly' 

35. Wanting to punch the perverted and immature ones in the face on a daily basis

36. They don't have to wear a bra everyday

37. Losing weight is easier for them

38. Being a prick does not equal flirting boys!

39. They get to walk around with no shirts....maybe our nips need some fresh air too

40. Guys complaining about the friend zone... Well, obviously we are going to be friends before anything else. We aren't going straight into a relationship from "Hi, my name is___" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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