1 year passed

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Torii's POV

Hey guys, Torii's here. As you see a year had passed and now I am 7 years old (Okay, mentally, i am way more older than 17 years old), I am ready to go into new premises to continue my school life.

After discover I had transmigrated into this body, unfortunately I don't have any single idea about who I 'am' .  I thought I could have received memory about this body automatically like any other novel or wattpad stories.I guess it does not work in real life after all, huh.

When the first time I saw my face, firstly I thought probably I'm having a delusion that I am someone else. However it was way too realistic after I look everyone around, I don't know who are they but they do know me. A middle-age woman in plain clothe behind her apron and a teenager with clothe that I could assume he just having rebelious phase. 

"Hey, Rachel!" The teenager in his black emo skull shirt snicker toward me. " Fix your hair, or mom gonna decide to bald you again."

He swiftly left after he said it, what with the cool pose of leaving me behind though? Chuni? 

A same woman voice called out the same name again that I had no choice to take myself as the 'Rachel'  indeed. I walk down to the wooden stairs as I take my deep breath, I felt cold at the tip of my fingers as I had a slight anxiety panic attack. Am I going to start my another life after my first death? Is it okay? But I don't even know who I am or where am I? Why is this happening to me?

Before I could continue my haul of thoughts, I already reach the dinner table with the laid of heart-warming meals. The woman I assume the owner's voice sit down before me after she put the final plate that have fried chicken wings. Wow, delicious, but not for now. I glance at the woman, she has long black coal hair same as this 'body' of mine, beautiful gentle brown eyes, she has fair white skin that nearly resembles Asian color. She smiles softly over me before laid her eyes over teenager that sat next to me.

" Ben, I heard your got into another trouble, who is this time?" She eyed the bruise that cut his lower lips, dang, how did I not realize that? I must be in the state of shock that my IQ had dropped a little bit.

The room filled with delicious aroma of the meal suddenly turn into unappetizing, the boy who I assume 'her' brother rolled his eyes while leaning on chair as he crossed his arms in defense. Why is this boy acting like a rebelious girl? 

"Ben~" The mother voice was sweetly sickening which earn a flinched from him, I guess his view toward her is quite frightening that he slump his shoulder as he finally give to tell her everything. 

"Nothing, just some losers bullying the same kid again and again. I just give them some whack, man, that kid should just stay at home."  Ben replied while touched his bruised lips, I guess he took some beating too for protecting this certain kid. What a hero. 

"The same kid, you mean that boy?"

"Yep, who else would it be?"

"Sigh, that boy." The woman sighed while gave me a plate as I took it in response. "What is his parents were doing? Leaving the child alone..."

Ummm. I know currently if I was not possessed this body I would join with this topic, neverthless, I still need to know everything that happening around me. Hopefully, they will never suspect me...ah! If they were normal people I don't think they will never notice sudden change in me! I mean, who would believe the thing such as transmigration right~?

While consoling myself as I calmly drink orange juice on the table, the conversation seem quiet down as I look up to see both of them stare me that I almost choke from it. W-what hold on, I'm not joining the conversation, of course they will find me strange. What should I say anyway?

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