3 - Confrontation

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The subtle glow of the moonlight trickled in through the thick curtain, lighting up the spacious room. Slowly turning on his side, Tou allowed his gaze take in the sleeping shape of his eclaimed. "Edma" he said her name in a low voice, not wanting to wake her up. It was better that way; the less she knew the better.

At least for now.

Edma didn't move, her petite frame blissfully asleep, her chest raising and sinking slowly and ruthmically. Her auburn locks framing her heart shaped face, the faint moonlight highlighting the rosy tint on her cheeks. Tou ran his hand gently across her cheek, removing a strand of hair from arond her face. Her beauty never ceased to amaze him. His gaze fell to her lips, the rosy tint made stark by the fair shade of her skin. her mouth was pulled into a slight frown, making a surge of guilt shoot through him.

It was enough to almost make him want to stay by her side. He had not given her the attention a woman like her deserves, and to see it affect her pained him.

Slowly, almost unwillingly he untangled himself from his eclaimed's sleeping form, taking care not to disturb her slumber. The bed shifted slightly as he rose from it, and made his slow trek towards the door.

The door closed with a silent click, as Tou turned towards the dark corridor allowing his vision to get used to the dark.

He walked fast, swiftly manouvering throight the castle. The feeling of being watch settleing itself deep within him. He picked up his speed taking a longer route to ger rid of the feeling, untill he was pleased to have lost his persuter. He swiftly made.last turn before his destination. A long hallway with a lone door at the end. He stopped in his tracks, eyeing the lone figure standing in front of the door.

"Why did I have a feeling Id find you here?" He asked, keeping his voice low, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

Liana silently watched him, keeping her expression blank. "We need to speak".

"What is there to speak about" Tou asked, relaxing his stance. Taking one step at the time, he made his way towards her, untill they stood face to face. Liana, having inherited her height from her father, standing two inches taller than him.

"You know very well" Liana, crossed her armes across her chest, taking a challenging stance.

"I might," Tou said, annoyed at her allusivness, "but please do enlighten me" he spoke keeping his voice calmly, matching her stance.

"She is suspicious"

Her statement was spoken simply, matter-of-factly even, but it was enough to make him lose his stance. "Edma?" He asked sounding confused. It could not be possible, he had made sure to keep the samuarian woman a secret from her. He didnt know how she would react if she found out, she wasnt ready, he wasnt ready.


The woman had yet to wake up- if she'd even ever wake up. There were still so many questions he had to ask; who was she? Where did she come.from? Was she friend of foe? How had this woman survived the massacar that had taken lives of the rest of his people, even her.

A pair of storm grey eyes flashed across his memory, as real as the last day he'd seen them. "Shamir" her soft whisper still rang his ears.

"Tou-" Liana's voice snapped him out of his thoights, "-this needs to end".

Tou blinked in an attempt to clear his mind. Running his hand through his hair,then letting it glide down in front of his face. She is gone, he told himself, She is never coming back. Having settled on that thought he slowly removing his hands from his face, allowing his gaze to meet the worried gaze of Liana.

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